please help figure out what sex my chickens are?

And the Barred rocks
Yeah they both are clearly boys. We have 8 chicken 2 rir which were not sure about, 2 Plymouth barred rocks both boys for sure, 2 black australorps one boy and one girl the splash australorp white is a girl and unfortunately for my son (it his favourite) we think the barnie is a boy too.
too many disjointed pictures - pieces of head, feet or behinds. Need to see whole birds preferably one bird per photos & age. Heads facing forward to display comb, and standing(Naturally) profile shot.. Plus age of birds
too many disjointed pictures - pieces of head, feet or behinds.    Need to see whole birds  preferably one bird per photos & age. Heads  facing forward to display comb, and  standing(Naturally) profile shot..  Plus age of birds

They are just over 8 weeks and hard to photo

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