Please help! I HAVE to amputate my roo's toe! **Graphic pics**

yikes - i just saw this and read all the posts in total suspense!!! must say i don't think i could have done that for fear of screwing up (clutz here!)!. would have had a vet do it with very short acting anesthesia - and then something for pain - probably a very quick procedure....
the only important thing regardless is that roo is okay - sending many good wishes that he'll be happily crowing soon!!


p.s. had i seen this sooner, i would have recommended rescue remedy for roo before and immediately after - given for its calming effect. you could still give it though - a drop or two in his water for a few days...
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Well, I don't know you, but I'm so proud of you! And I chime in with you on how wonderful and knowledgeable and helpful and kind people here on this board can be.
Hi guys. He's doing great today! Crowing away for his girls!

Hes eating and drinking. I mashed him up some boiled egg yolk and added a bit of corn to entice him to eat it and put a big fat earthworm on the top..
I changed his dressing this afternoon, there was no blood, but i left the kwik stop crust on it just to be safe. I put triple antibiotic on a gauze strip and then wrapped it all in vet wrap. HEs still kinda holding his foot i think it hurts him still. Can i put anything in his water for him?

Heres the few pics i took last night.

This was right after we clipped off the toe and cauterized it.



This is where i was starting to can see we cauterized it pretty well. But every time i removed the rubberband it started to bleed again.. it just kept draining out even after we cauterized it 2 times. THen i used the kwik-stop and that worked.


Heres where i thought he was going into shock..but he was fine after a few minutes. How DO you treat a chicken for shock anyways??

Here he is after it was all over for him...He's giving me the evil eye..

I know!..its the pain part that killed me..
Chicken vets are very hard to come by around here though.
Believe it or not when we snipped off the toe he didnt even was the cauterizing that hurt the poor guy. But, he's doing good today and i have faith that this saved his life.
give him some red cell vitamin. its water soluble and loaded with more vitamins than regular powder vitamins. very harrowing tale glad u made it through

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