Please help! I HAVE to amputate my roo's toe! **Graphic pics**

Thanks! I think he knows he's cute too!
Hes got some girls that just follow him all over the place...
How DO you treat a chicken for shock anyways??

What may help for 'shock' is electroltyes. Also, mild but welll regarded, is Rescue Remedy for stress (a drop or two in a water bowl..).

Chicken vets are very hard to come by around here though.

I hear you on that! I have one ~45 minutes away but unfortunately he's uncommunicative, appears to have no regard for knowing how the treated bird makes out {never once a followup call..), grouchy - ugh! As such, I might have even used my cat vet for something like this given that I would be consumed with worry over pain and my own clutziness (you are more adept, no doubt!).

I'm really glad your little guy is getting back to normal and even crowing!!

Thanks guys! He is a cutie.
And mom is doing fine now.
Hopefully it will stay that way! Shes just got to take it easy for a few more day to make sure that groin artery dosent open back up. One good thing did come of it all though..the nurse told the doc that it WILL NOT ever happen like that again! MY mom said the nurse was mad and kinda shook up about it. (as i can imagine!!) So, there wont be one nurse ever left alone in the recovery bay again there. Hopefully!
*also..i wanted to add..i was mistaken in my earlier wasnt a patient that had to press the code button it was their family member that was there with them. sorry for the mistake. My mom was still dopey when she told me the story..
High I was reading your old post. I am looking at having to amputate the tip of a young African grey parrot chicks toe. I am assuming it is a similar process but reading about all the bleeding you had to deal with and shock symptoms, I am considering letting it fall off naturally. I worked to restore blood flow after a case lot constricted toe syndrome, but part of the toe had already been too damaged. It looks yellow on the end though I this photo it is still white. The likely infection of the end of this toe will also be stressful on a baby. So the main difference her is it is a 5 week old baby. Any advice.
Obviously I didn't explain that one joint on the inside toe of both feet had already fallen off before the next higher joint was affected on the left foot prior to the bird being pulled from the nest box. He also is smaller than other chicks his age.
Obviously I didn't explain that one joint on the inside toe of both feet had already fallen off before the next higher joint was affected on the left foot prior to the bird being pulled from the nest box. He also is smaller than other chicks his age.

I would consult with a vet,any infection is very serious as it can spread through body. You might find more information on a site dealing with parrots.

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