PLEASE HELP>>IM getting chuckers and need info on them!!


8 Years
May 3, 2011
in June im getting two baby chuckers and two pheasants,i have xp pheasants but dont know much about chuckers
i need info (ps.their for pets not too eat)
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I fed my (pet) Chukar a mix of chicken grower pellets ,cracked corn ,mixed grains ,and as a treat sunflower seeds. They love sunflower seeds

Keep them like a pheasant. They need room or they get rubbing on the head. They tame down pretty well too.
Keep a very close eye on them, because they tend to kill one another. If you start seeing one get beat up separate them immediately, or you will have a dead bird. They are a very entertaining bird to watch. I know it is not good practice, but I keep my Chukar in as natural of a environment as possible. If you do the same they tend to dig, so bury your sides down a foot or so. build them a little rock mound for them to climb on this will help their toe nails (this is only if you have them on dirt). Although I myself don't do this you should elevate them off the ground.

Enjoy them they really are a fantastic bird to have, and watch I love mine.

Good Luck


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