Please help! Mama Chicken shaking and falling over - smelly liquid coming from beak when picked up


May 20, 2021
Hi I have a mama chicken that started acting really bad really fast this morning. I went out to feed them and change water. She walked over towards me - which she doesn’t do usually ushers the chicks away - and started shaking some like she was cold or going to shake out feathers. She didn’t go past a slight shake though.
She then walked back towards the coop, did it again and slowly started laying down and then laid over on her side.
I got a towel and picked her up and a yellowish sour smelling liquid poured from her like a faucet. I let that drain remembering reading something on sour crop and assumed best to keep letting the liquid drain. I left her there for a few minutes to get another place for her prepared. She stood and walked around for a few minutes making yakking sounds and then laid down again beak down on the ground.
When I picked her up again to move her - more liquid drained from her beak. I put her in a box with a towel floor but she is still just laying still feet pulled in but not really “under” her. I offered some yogurt since I have seen that but she isn’t taking any.

Other notes - she has been mama-ing 14 chicks for about 1.5 weeks eating chick starter. I did give them the tsc electrolytes/prebiotics in their water for a few days but stopped several days ago. She was drinking and eating fine yesterday- I have occasionally given mealworms and strawberries from the garden but realized not much access to grit - normally free range but in a nursery coop with grass run recently. I added sand to a corner a couple days ago but have not seen her dust bathe or eat any.


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She did just stand up outta nowhere but is still shaking and falling back down like she is falling asleep standing up. Laid right back down again after about 1-2 minutes standing.


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It sounds like it could be sour crop maybe? I would search for sour crop on here & on how to treat it (I don't have first hand knowledge, or I'd give you more advice!)
Thanks - I have read everything I can find but she is refusing to eat or drink anything.
I’m not even real sure how to find her crop. If it’s what I think I found - it isn’t overly big but maybe a little squishy.
On our way to pick up coconut oil and yeast cream. Really worried it is too late and she is close to death already. But at least I will have the appropriate supplies next time.
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