Please help me identify my assortment chicks!


5 Years
Jul 4, 2018
Greater Bay Area, Vallejo, California

Please help ID assortment chicks!
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Yesterday at 8:24 PM
[IMG alt="Pghelp"][/IMG]

I ordered an assortment of rare and standard chicks. I didn't realize how hard it would be to figure out what breed they are. Can anyone help? I think the 4 cream colored ones are leghorns, but now I'm doubting that because a couple of them have dark spots on the wings now. There are 9 and they'll be 5 weeks old on Tuesday.
4 identical cream colored, maybe leghorn?
1 black emu looking with long distinctive feathers, hawk like beak, white breast, lousy flyer but loves jumping
1 white speckled with black on head, tail, wings, green legs and emerald green eyes
1 shy one, yellowish with an olive brown head, matured slower than others, slow to fly and perch, not aggressive at all, green legs
1 white with dark spots scattered all over, about same size and weight of the alleged leghorns
1 solid grey one with black beak and legs, much more bird shaped than the emu one


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Where did you order your chicks from? The only 1 I can say for certain is your green legged chicks are some kind of Easter Eggers. The chicks are difficult for me to see so I can't speak about any of the others. If I knew where you ordered them from, I may be able to help a little more.
Where did you order your chicks from? The only 1 I can say for certain is your green legged chicks are some kind of Easter Eggers. The chicks are difficult for me to see so I can't speak about any of the others. If I knew where you ordered them from, I may be able to help a little more.
I ordered the rare/standard assortment from Tracctor Supply through Hoover Hatchery. It doesn't help much though because they list over 50 breeds they "might" be and provide no information with the shipment. Here's the website and if you click through the link you can see the shopping list of breeds in the description. Thanks for any suggestions! I know the pix aren't great but chicks just won't pose for photos!
I ordered the rare/standard assortment from Tracctor Supply through Hoover Hatchery. It doesn't help much though because they list over 50 breeds they "might" be and provide no information with the shipment. Here's the website and if you click through the link you can see the shopping list of breeds in the description. Thanks for any suggestions! I know the pix aren't great but chicks just won't pose for photos!
Yeah, I understand. Chickens aren't always the best at posing for pictures. :lol:

Please help ID assortment chicks!
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Yesterday at 8:24 PM
[IMG alt="Pghelp"][/IMG]

I ordered an assortment of rare and standard chicks. I didn't realize how hard it would be to figure out what breed they are. Can anyone help? I think the 4 cream colored ones are leghorns, but now I'm doubting that because a couple of them have dark spots on the wings now. There are 9 and they'll be 5 weeks old on Tuesday.
4 identical cream colored, maybe leghorn?
1 black emu looking with long distinctive feathers, hawk like beak, white breast, lousy flyer but loves jumping
1 white speckled with black on head, tail, wings, green legs and emerald green eyes
1 shy one, yellowish with an olive brown head, matured slower than others, slow to fly and perch, not aggressive at all, green legs
1 white with dark spots scattered all over, about same size and weight of the alleged leghorns
1 solid grey one with black beak and legs, much more bird shaped than the emu one

MEEEEE TOOO!! I literally just got done taking pics of my chicks to try and see what they maybe are! I got them through tractor supply and with hoovers hatchery they dont send a itinerary with them!
Can anyone please help me with what breed some of my babies are! I also ordered the rare standard assortment through Hoover's hatchery and I cannot figure them out!! Lol if anyone knows please fill me in! 😊😳


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Can anyone please help me with what breed some of my babies are! I also ordered the rare standard assortment through Hoover's hatchery and I cannot figure them out!! Lol if anyone knows please fill me in! 😊😳
I see at least several naked necks. I'm on my phone right now though so I can't help with the others.

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