
  1. D

    New to BYC- Seeking Opinions

    Hello everyone, I recently found this community on Facebook and it seemed like a perfect place for a beginner. Over the past few weeks, I have had this beautiful daily visitor to my property. I want to think its a rooster? I have no experience but it would be odd I think for a hen to wander...
  2. T

    Still can’t figure out what these birds are!!

    Hello! I’ve posted several times over the past 4-5 months about these two buff mysteries and I still can’t decide what they are…breed OR gender 🤦‍♀️ They were purchased from rural king as “English orpingtons” 🙄 they are definitely not orpingtons. They’re absolutely gorgeous birds I just wish I...
  3. L

    9 week old grey chick

    Hello everyone! I have this beautiful 9 week old baby (who I think is a pullet 🤔) but I have no idea what breed she could be. Does anyone have an idea? Thanks!
  4. PhoenixManz

    Get a Marans or an Araucana rooster for Olive layers?

    Hi all! 🙋🏽‍♂️ I want to breed my own olive layers. I currently have 2 Araucanas, 1 Easter egger that lays turquoise eggs and 2 Marans hens. What would be the best cross to achieve olive eggs? Cross a Marans rooster with the Araucanas and Easter egger, or an Araucana rooster with the Marans...
  5. thebeanfarmtx

    Need help identifying my schmorgasboard 😂

    I know I have a Silkie and a Turken...but Im lost on the others! So many breeds have the same coloring. The black & white one has furry feeties if that helps! (Also Im hoping they're all hens!) Thanks so much for any guesses :)
  6. ChickenKeeper43

    What Breed are They?

    Hi, meet Velvet and Oreo. I was wondering if anyone experienced with chickens can help me identify them. We hatched Oreo and Velvet from fertilized eggs that we got from a farm located in Innisfil, Ontario, Canada. That farm has hundreds of chickens that lay all sorts of eggs (White, Brown...
  7. M

    Help with genders and breeds

    Hi! I posted earlier and you all were so helpful I went out and took pics of my other 5 chicks. They are 9 weeks old. Chick A - I think salmon faverolle pullet? Chick B - Pullet? Idk what breed? Chick C - Cockerel, but what breed? Chick D - I think blue cochin pullet? Super soft and fluffy...
  8. M

    Gender and breed?

    We brought home 6 chicks that my sons class hatched and have been waiting to see what sex they turn out to be. I thought Pecky was a cockerel bc of the way he or she kept squaring up to the one that is for sure a cockerel, but now looking I don't see the saddle feathers growing in the way I...
  9. L

    8 week old chicks, I'm new to this, Roosters or hens?

    Hi everyone, I hatched these chicks from mixed eggs i bought on a local farm. They are now eight weeks old and i was wondering what breed and gender they are? They all look different. HELP 😅 This is Drizzelle (7 weeks old on the picture). I think she's a girl, don't know what breed. Very calm...
  10. Samanternat

    Breed ID for new chicks? Sexing too early?

    Bought a coop for our two 5-week-old chicks off a local farmer and they offered us to take some of their day-olds also. As tempting as it was to take a bunch, we decided to add just two to our flock since we are worried one of our older chicks could end up male (😞) leaving our other one alone...
  11. M

    Pullets or cockerels? And breed identifying. Thanks!

    I am a first time chicken owner. I recently got x7 day-ish old chicks sexed as hens from Orchard Ridge Farm in Gorham, Maine. I am not positive where they source them from, but it is a local hatchery in the north east. My order *should* have included the following, but I am not so certain that I...
  12. Samanternat

    Pullets or Cockerels (Hen/Roo)? 4.5 weeks old... Dark Brahma?

    Brand new to this! Can anyone more experienced help me determine if these 4.5-week-old chicks are female or not? Unfortunately, I won't be able to keep Roosters where I live. Bonus if you could tell me what breed they are! :) As you can see, they had almost identical "chipmunk" patterns as...
  13. M

    What breed are my chicks? Help.

    Since it’s a heatwave right now I thought it would be the perfect time to try to raise chicks outside. I went to TCS today and they have these labeled as pullets but they didn’t have their usual signs on what their breed actually is. I think I have two brahmas, a orpington, and black sexlink...
  14. Exspiravit

    What breed is this dude?

    Hey, so essentially as the title says, could anyone help identify what breed this is? I got a dozen eggs from a friend of mine and all the other chicks are black and brown but this is the only chick that's this differenr from everyone.
  15. Butt_Nugget_Hut092

    Help With Breed | Hatchery Chicks | Assorted

    Hi, Can anyone help me figure out the breeds of these chicks? I just picked them up from the post office today. They are from Hoovers Hatchery and are listed as their Assorted Colored Layers. Supposed to be all females. This is what they say could be in the mix: Americana, Olive Egger...
  16. Emrosenagel

    Any idea what breed this is?

    so this is Husk. She’s about 17 weeks old now and I still have no clue what she is. Her sisters are clearly a serama and a cochin, but husk looks like neither. Any ideas? Her wattles are tiny compared to the other two, her comb is small and black. Eyes are very dark, long legs but not too long...
  17. M

    Is this Mallard or something else?

    At first thought Mallard, but they are starting to get a white line on the face. Showing different ages in pics. Any help?
  18. TinyOne

    Anyone know what breed these chicks are?

    I impulse bought these three chicks a little over a week ago at Tractor Supply. They were labeled assorted Bantams. Im still pretty new to chickens but I’ve tried to do some research and I have a guess that the brown one is a partridge Cochin but I’m not sure. Both of the darker ones have...
  19. M

    Could my 9 week old be a blue copper maran?

    This was supposed to be a lavender Orpington but we could tell early it was a hatchery mixup. Now these copper colored feathers are starting to appear I’m starting to wonder if we have a blue copper maran or some sort of mix. What do you think?
  20. G

    Help deciding breed layers

    Hello BYC fam, I hope I am posting on the correct thread because I have 2 separate yet intertwining questions. Question #1: I was wanting some recommendations on good egg layers to add to my small flock. I currently have 2 Rhode Island Red Hens and 1 Rhode Island Red Rooster… now that may...
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