Please help me resist the temptation.


10 Years
Mar 2, 2009
Okay, went to get chicks from TSC today but they were not in. On the way home I see a sign (was NOT there on the way to town) that says CHICKS! I have no idea what kind they have but I know they have them every year. My question is, can I safely get chicks from this farm and brood them with my TSC chicks that I still plan to get? Or should I play it safe and just keep extra busy til TSC gets them in? It is so tempting to just go and see the chicks. I know I would not come home empty handed!
Why not just have two brooders? I would throw older chicks in with day olds.. they'd peck the little guys.

theres really no extra cost involved... maybe 20 bucks for another feeder, waterer, heat lamp and bulb...
Heehee, I think I will! Thanks. If these chicks are day olds as well can I put them together? Would it be risky as far as diseases? It's terrible that I can't simply wait one more day. I need chicks!!
Hmm - I would be tempted to do the same but would worry about diseases. Another thing would be immunizations given or not.

The chicks I got from the feed store were from Privott and immunized prior to shipping.

If you get chicks from farmer they may or may not and the ones from the feed store coming from hatchery may or may not.

Would you be feeding medicated feed if your's haven't been immunized or not. Something to consider in putting them together.

Best of luck with whatever you deside.
Thank you for all the info. I am going to wait and keep myself busy until the TSC chicks come in. I would much rather be safe than sorry.

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