Please help me understand meat eaters not wanting to process a chicken!

Ironically, Disney also produced the movie, Old Yeller, the story of a boy who hunts, traps, and is willing to kill his own pet after it saves his life out of love. :p
Call me whatever you want, but if this happened to me, I would make it a point to ensure there.were.eggs.there, with a note letting the neighbor know that from this point.on, consider it a gift, and let me know if they need anything.
Anyone who is desperate enough to probably has bigger problems than i, and I think a neighbor means helping them out. Sometimes things are just that bad. People only steal stuff like this when they are too embarrassed to admit they need help.

Not true! I know many who steal because it thrills them, it's easier than getting it the right way, or simply because they can. If you ask me for help I'll go above and beyond to get you on your own feet but if you steal from me don't be surprised when I give you some lead for free in your behind.
Lots of people want to live their lives in a state they have created and disregard any other beliefs that conflict with theirs right or wrong. It is pointless to argue, only make your statement and move on.
Ran across this thread while, ironically, I was looking for a way to find someone to process my chickens.

I think it's important to remember that not everyone is equipped with personality traits that make them comfortable with the act of killing a living animal. That doesn't mean that I don't know where my food comes from. I am just not personally comfortable with the process. If it came down to a choice of killing or starving of course I could do it. But luckily I am not faced with that choice at this time in my life. My son, on the other hand, is a born hunter. And I fully support him and we feast on the game he kills and enjoy every morsel. But I personally wouldn't want to do it myself.

There are a lot of things I could do myself but I'd rather pay someone else to do them for me. Farming is a hobby that gives me a mental sanctuary from a full time law practice. It is not something that I do to survive. Therefore I do the parts I like and I hire people to handle the things I can't or don't want to do. It's a win win. I don't have to do them and I can help someone else make a living. Free enterprise and job creation at its best!

Sometimes it's because I don't have the time to do it myself. For example I have a secretary at work. Yes I could do it all myself but I have limited time, it's more efficient and cost effective for me and luckily I have the ability to pay for this help.

Sometimes it's because I don't have the equipment needed. I have a guy that takes care of my pastures because he has the equipment and I don't.

And sometimes it's because I just don't want to do something. Like slitting a chicken's throat.

Does that make me silly and spoiled? Maybe. But the benefit of being silly and spoiled is that it gives a few total strangers on the Internet an opportunity to (1) feel superior about their own lives and choices and (2) to impress others with their obvious superiority. And I like to do my best to make other people happy. ;)
I think every person has a different limit of what's really hard to do and what's not. There is no right and wrong. In 7 years, I have changed many of my naïve beliefs and done quite a few things I thought I could never do. And I know there are things I can't do

I would look on Craig's list or post on Craig's list.
I just ran across this thread and although I did not read the entire thing I must agree with most people are disconnected about where the food comes from. My DH loves a nice fried chicken BUT he is disinclined to think of the chickens we have BEING that fried chicken.
He is coming around to it slowly. I was raised with it so I am ok with it.
I remind him I bought dual purpose birds for a reason.
We will be paying someone else to process our aging and non laying hens.
Processing at home where we live is strictly forbidden.

I am thankful to the animal that gave its life so we may eat and very thankful we are able to have the chance to raise some in a caring and humane manner.
The human brain is a very plastic tool - some things are genetic, but a large part of what people are comfortable with is based on what they experience in their formative years.

I you didn't grow up with this, you probably have trouble with it initially - it's no different than why I think eating bugs is gross, but people in certain areas of the world think its normal.
I grew up with a dad that raised pheasants so we ate pheasants. Dad killed and cleaned them, Mom cooked or packaged them for later. It doesn't really bother me to off a chicken as I hunt deer and hogs on a regular basis, love to hunt turkey and dove. that being said I have RA now and cleaning more than 1 or 2 chickens is hard for me to do now. My DH will not do it although he also hunts and has learned to dress deer and hogs with getting sick. HA!! I am thinking about looking for someone to process mine to make it easier on me.

Also why do people dump chickens like they do cats and dogs. I had someone ,obviously not hungry, dump 2 roosters in the woods down the road from me. DH caught them for me and I will be sending them to freezer camp along with several turkeys and other roosters.

People are just plain wierd. I have had dogs, cats, chickens, emus, donkeys, and even a baby goat show up out where I live that someone just dumped out!!!
People dump them because they're not comfortable killing them.

I don't know why people seem to have trouble accepting that different people are comfortable with different things.
I think dumping animals is not humane, its unfortunate that there are people who think their dumped animal will find a "good" home". Good- to me meaning processed or unprocessed.

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