Please help me with me guniea pig!


Free Ranging
6 Years
Mar 5, 2017
Hi! My guinea pigs name is Oliver! He is my best friend! He is under a year old! I had to give him a bath two days ago because he has long hair and has knots! So I gave him a bath and cut his hair! I was brushing him today when I realized his butt is swollen!! Like it’s big! I have no idea why! I have a pic below! I have done a few things different that I can think may have caused it! He got a new bedding? Maybe the soap I used for his bath? And I had no idea guinea pigs had grease glands and so I have not cleaned his! Could one of these be a reason? Someone please help! Now that I know about the grease glands I am cleaning it! But what could be causing this! He squeals when I try and looks down there! What is wrong!! And he never lets me look at his underside so I just now seen that his under carriage is dirty! I have cleaned it after the photo! 01B6937A-90D0-4830-B41A-06611F05E98E.jpeg 5E10AC4B-9152-4B79-B88B-6F348B6B313A.jpeg B04D5A5F-501A-43D9-B128-6683EFE575EC.jpeg 629A1BBA-25D0-4033-B04B-10F44C664AAF.jpeg And this is the soap I used! I was going to get him special guinea pig soap but for that day to get the knots off I used this CBC420B2-42CD-4F1A-A18C-30E92FBCE36C.jpeg please can someone tell me what wrong!? Thank you for taking the time to read this! I appreciate it!
You say this guinea pig is male: has he been neutered? Because if he has not been neutered, I have one idea for what those two large bulges might be ;)

(I don't know much about guinea pigs, so I'm just suggesting this as one thing to consider.)
You say this guinea pig is male: has he been neutered? Because if he has not been neutered, I have one idea for what those two large bulges might be ;)

(I don't know much about guinea pigs, so I'm just suggesting this as one thing to consider.)
Haha no he is not neutered and yes o figures out what they were too! 🤣 I don’t know why I thought they were supposed to be internal 😬 my bad haha are they his testicles? Hard to tell from the pictures....they look awfully big for a guinea pig. I had one that looked like that but now I don't remember if it was a girl or boy.
Well, I feel bad but I had to touch them to find out if it was a infection, they are not hot to the touch and they are not hard! 🤮 I’m sorry I know it’s super gross lol! At this point I’m not really sure, that is what I thought too though they seem kinda huge lol! 🤣🤣
Well, I feel bad but I had to touch them to find out if it was a infection, they are not hot to the touch and they are not hard! 🤮 I’m sorry I know it’s super gross lol! At this point I’m not really sure, that is what I thought too though they seem kinda huge lol! 🤣🤣

Male animals do seem to have amazingly large testicles, compared to the size of the animal. I've seen photos of bulls and male goats, and I have personally seen male rabbits, and I've butchered roosters--all pretty impressive. I think the roosters and the adult male rabbits had ones that were almost the size of my thumb: just as big around, and about 2/3 as long.
Male pigs have massive testicles. His look perfectly normal to me. Stop squeezing them.

Is he popping? Eating? Drinking water?

If you ever have to bathe him again I would consider buying the special guinea pig shampoo that they sell at the pet store, or at least a milder shampoo like a baby shampoo. Also make sure he’s dry before bed so he doesn’t get a chill.
Am curious how the guy is doing. My original answer was based on my assuming that this was a change from what was usual. Would be good to know if all was normal after all. :confused:

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