Please help me


Jul 11, 2017
hello everyone I got a astrolorp rooster on Monday and he is around 11 months by what the guy told me and I just bought an incubator and I wanna use it to see if it was worth me buying the incubator so I wanna put eggs as so as I can before I can’t return the incubator I have 4 hens 2 are only laying every day they are red sex links and I haven’t seen him mating and one hen had a comb with little blood so I am not sure if he mated her but please help me when should I put the eggs in the incubator by the way it’s now Wednesday
hello everyone I got a astrolorp rooster on Monday and he is around 11 months by what the guy told me and I just bought an incubator and I wanna use it to see if it was worth me buying the incubator so I wanna put eggs as so as I can before I can’t return the incubator I have 4 hens 2 are only laying every day they are red sex links and I haven’t seen him mating and one hen had a comb with little blood so I am not sure if he mated her but please help me when should I put the eggs in the incubator by the way it’s now Wednesday

Easiest way to tell if they are fertile is to crack a couple open and look for the bullseye. If it’s there, start whenever you want.
First pic on google when I searched.
If you're just wanting to test your incubator, clean it, plug it in, turn it on, adjust the temp. Use a separate thermometer to confirm the temp is accurate. Hatching can take a bit of experience to get the hang of it, so don't expect to just toss eggs in, turn it on, then return the incubator after you do a quick hatch in it.

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