Please help my 11 year old with her egg business

Here chicky chicky

In the Brooder
11 Years
Oct 7, 2008
My daughter is doing a great job managing her (chicken) egg business but now we have duck eggs too... and I am finding conflicting information online. I dont want to let her sell duck eggs that might make someone sick. My questions:

1) Our ducks eggs are more than likely fertile. We have three girls and two boys. Are they safe to sell for eating?
2) We have a broody chicken hen who is sitting on four duck eggs for us. What in the world do people do with ducklings in September?
3) we have three Indian Runners (two boys and a girl) and two girl White Pekings. The ducklings will be a mixture. Is that a problem?

We LOVE having ducks. They are adorable and so fun to watch! There is certainly a learning curve for us, and if she can make a little money from the eggs/ducklings I'd like to teach her how to do that. But we want to do this thing right. If we need to get rid of the mixture of the breeds.... thats something I need to know.

Thank you for any help or information!
1) People can eat fertile duck eggs. However some people have a problem eating fertile eggs. As long as the people know their fertile you shouldn't have a problem
2) Some people still buy duckling in later months of the year. Or you could keep them.
3) Theres not a problem with mixing breeds. Many people keep mixed breeds for pets.
I agree fully with what Kevin said! If you need anyone to test hatch them I would LOVE to try to hatch them if you would like! I have been wanting ducks and duck eggs and just haven't been able to buy any..
Thanks so much!
Boy... I really think these little guys (and girls) are cute as heck!
If people only knew how comical they were.....

I LOVE ducks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are adorable! If you want me to test hatch for you please pm me!
I'd be glad to!
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Explain supply and demand to your daughter. market the duck eggs around holiday baking times if you are still getting any ( we have not had any duck eggs since JUNE!) people love them for baking!

You could also take her to the flea market or auction and let her take her profits and select new stock and what stock to ( ok- well- the kid version of cull!) send to another person.

Id think it would be a great memento to get her a binder or journal and write down her "goals' for selling or for her flock and then record any choices...

my latest entry is this :

June 20,2010




Ferdie hatched out 27 eggs on the 18-20th. Maggie continues to lay 6/week. Waddlesworth is breeding both hens daily and blue is showing interest in only maggie.


I'm now making decisions based on that for this upcoming years flock. i kept the birds identifiable as ferdies and sold maggies babies due to the fact she doesnt set and i can make more money selling babies vs. eggs.
Oh my! I love the idea of the journal!
I will deffo do that!

Chilling with my peeps.... I wish you lived in my neighborhood!

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