PLEASE HELP! My 6 week old silkie is walking with a limp and laying around a lot. What to do??


7 Years
Sep 18, 2012
Western Australia
Yesterday I noticed my silkie limping when I brought him inside. He was running and moving still but when I held him he didn't seem to want to move. I checked his feet and they look the same so no signs of any obvious injuries. I have two silkies and can't separate them as they cry too much so I let them stay together. He just seems to lay a lot unless he needs to stretch or eat. Is he gonna be okay??? Could he die??
My baby chick of two weeks old got bruised because it had a spot where his leg was purplebut the next day he was fine and running like if nothing ever happened to him, but everbody is different and so are chickens
It's been 3 days, he seems like he's in a bit of pain so I might just crush up some panadol and put it in his water. I just can't see anything wrong with his legs? I'm hoping it's just bruising Cool Peeps and there's nothing in his foot that went too deep :(
Their is a diease that is called Mareks, it often affects Silkies. Unfourntunely their is no cure for it.
However, is their any other symptoms. Sometimes coccidia can bring them down.... And they get weak....
I gave it some panadol for the past two days in his feed and he seems to be showing signs of improvement. Mainly his symptoms include him standing on one foot sometimes, limping (but the limping seems to be improving to walking), the other day he was breathing a little hard but I think that's because we took him in the car and he got stressed. His poo seems to be regular and there's no blood or anything. If it had Mareks would my other silkie catch it quick? because she seems to be fine apart from her crooked toes. Thanks for your help :)

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