Please help! New chick mom☺️

Im so sorry :( though I am curious how you humanly put her down? Just in case if one of our chicks in the future don't make it. But I have something to cheer you up ;)

'There is a bridge connecting Heaven and Earth. It is called the Rainbow Bridge because of its many colors. Just this side of the Rainbow Bridge there is a land of meadows, hills and valleys with lush green grass.
When a beloved pet dies, the pet goes to this place. There is always food and water and warm spring weather. All the animals who have been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind. They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. Her bright eyes are intent; her eager body begins to quiver. Suddenly she begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, her legs carrying her faster and faster. You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together, never again to be separated.'

Thank you!!! It seriously made me tear up. I am still sick at the thought that we had to cull her. I loved that story. Who knew you could love a baby chick so much! I certainly never imagined it. I spent every waking minute worrying or taking care of her.

I will only tell you how because you asked. I searched on her for over an hour while she suffered. There was no denying that the best way for a baby chick was scissors to the neck. I wanted to do the baking soda and vinegar way but found several people that said it only prolonged its death. I obviously could not do it so my husband did. I left the house. He said it was very quick. He pet her till she fell asleep which wasn't long because all she was doing was sleeping. I am not sure that I am cut out for this. I love animals too much. Now she is all I can think about. I know though deep down that I spent every possible minute trying to save her. Her body just didn't cooperate.
I hope we NEVER have to do this again. I know if it did we will just decide not to have chickens. Thank you again for talking to me and offering your advice. It meant the world to me
Thank you!!! It seriously made me tear up. I am still sick at the thought that we had to cull her. I loved that story. Who knew you could love a baby chick so much! I certainly never imagined it. I spent every waking minute worrying or taking care of her.

I will only tell you how because you asked. I searched on her for over an hour while she suffered. There was no denying that the best way for a baby chick was scissors to the neck. I wanted to do the baking soda and vinegar way but found several people that said it only prolonged its death. I obviously could not do it so my husband did. I left the house. He said it was very quick. He pet her till she fell asleep which wasn't long because all she was doing was sleeping. I am not sure that I am cut out for this. I love animals too much. Now she is all I can think about. I know though deep down that I spent every possible minute trying to save her. Her body just didn't cooperate.
I hope we NEVER have to do this again. I know if it did we will just decide not to have chickens. Thank you again for talking to me and offering your advice. It meant the world to me
Awe thank you! I'm glad I could offer some help! I wouldn't have the emotional strength to do such a thing. Poor baby. But she's in a better place
we are losing two more!!! Seriously??? One was fine this morning and now she is lethargic and I can hear her breathing. I have separated the two and did a really good deep clean on the brooder. The others are freaked out by the box I put in it for the two sick ones.
How hot is your brooder and what kind of bulbs are you using? Are your chicks getting dehydrated? In any case they need strength now that their G.I. tract is compromised by stress and whatever is ailing them. And they need it without the stress of digestion. Go to Tractor Supply and buy a small bottle of Poultry Nutri-Drench. It is a top quality emergency nutritional supplement which doesn't need digesting. It mainlines directly into the bloodstream. measurable in the bloodstream in 30 minutes with 99% utilization. All natural. I use it on all my chicks for the 1st 4 weeks to get them off to a strong start. . 1 drop per chick by mouth and then repeat as needed every 8-10 hours. For their waterer, use 2 ml per gallon. It should look like very weak tea. If they are out of the Poultry formula, you can use the Goat Nutri-Drench, just use the Poultry usage and dosage instructions when you do. Tho the Bovidr Labs formulas are species-specific, they also meet the scientific standards for a universal formula ( I found out the last 2 sentences from a conversation with the science tech at Bovidr Labs.). . I raised my 42 chicks last season on the Goat formula ( with the Poultry dosages) with great success.
Best Success,
Karen, thank you for reading and replying. Their brooder is between 85-90. I check it often because the temps vary here in Illinois right now. I tried finding poultry drench and we don't have it here. I did not check for the goat one so I will tomorrow. I should have clarified that only one now has the prolapse. I started doing the prep-h and it seems to be helping. She is a cinnamon queen and is eating and drinking properly. The other chick that doesn't look good is a barred rock. She was fine last night and is lethargic today. I separated her from the others because of her breathing. I want to make sure this isn't a respiratory disease. I picked her up tonight and I thought she either drank water or she has a clear non-smelling discharge from her nose. I am not sure. After I separated her I can see nothing coming from her nose so I assume it was somehow from water. They also get ACV in their water everyday. I just don't understand why this chick went downhill so fast. I thought for sure she would have passed by tonight she looked so bad earlier. I guess if she has an illness the others all have it now too right? Not sure if separating will even do any good. The others are amazing active and healthy. I have read every forum on my situation on here and I have found no helpful information. The one we had to cull wasn't right from day one. I think I prolonged her by dropper feeding her water and such. Who knows. I didn't know it was this hard to raise baby chicks. Also the bulb I am using is the red one.

Thank you so much for your response.
Karen, thank you for reading and replying. Their brooder is between 85-90. I check it often because the temps vary here in Illinois right now. I tried finding poultry drench and we don't have it here. I did not check for the goat one so I will tomorrow. I should have clarified that only one now has the prolapse. I started doing the prep-h and it seems to be helping. She is a cinnamon queen and is eating and drinking properly. The other chick that doesn't look good is a barred rock. She was fine last night and is lethargic today. I separated her from the others because of her breathing. I want to make sure this isn't a respiratory disease. I picked her up tonight and I thought she either drank water or she has a clear non-smelling discharge from her nose. I am not sure. After I separated her I can see nothing coming from her nose so I assume it was somehow from water. They also get ACV in their water everyday. I just don't understand why this chick went downhill so fast. I thought for sure she would have passed by tonight she looked so bad earlier. I guess if she has an illness the others all have it now too right? Not sure if separating will even do any good. The others are amazing active and healthy. I have read every forum on my situation on here and I have found no helpful information. The one we had to cull wasn't right from day one. I think I prolonged her by dropper feeding her water and such. Who knows. I didn't know it was this hard to raise baby chicks. Also the bulb I am using is the red one.

Thank you so much for your response.
It seems that the chick might have a cold, I posted a thread and it includes lots of sites I found on chick illness and symptoms and treatments. I hope those help! Also, you may want to check each chick! Feel their crops, check for discharge from the eyes or beak, check for pasty butt, check for dehydration by gently pulling the skin and letting it go. If it snaps back immediately, then she's good. Also, I would suggest using the Brooder Bottle Caps . They make sure the water is clean and it's a Nipple like drinking system. You just screw it on a soda bottle and voila! Clean fresh water without the chance of coccidiosis infection. I hope this helps!
I kept her isolated last night. No discharge at all from her nostrils so it must have been from water. I keep the water clean since they are messy little girls. :) the two that had/have the prolapse had it from the time I got them. It just got worse. Hopefully I am not going to loose all of them. Not sure how they could have caught anything. They are kept inside and I am the only one for miles that has chicks or chickens. I'm just going to pray and hope no more come up with any symptoms. The lethargic one has no symptoms other than being lethargic. I checked crops. No pasty butt. All others are perfectly fine
Hey ladies! Just a quick update. All chicks are doing great!!! The prolapse is gone in the one now
Persistence with prep-h paid off. The other little girl still seems a bit sluggish but my poultry drench will be here tomorrow. Can't wait to see if it helps. Thank you all again so much! It was really nerve wracking the first two weeks. I couldn't have done it without all your advice.

PS. They love yogurt and egg yolk
So glad to hear they're doing better. When you get a chance, check out the fermented threads. It's probiotic & higher in nutrition. I started doing it just before the weekend, with my month olds, & they seem to love it. It only took 3 days to get started. When I take some out, to feed them, I put back in the same amount I took out, so it just keeps going like making yogurt. There's plenty of youtube vids on the subject along with fodder, which is also very high in nutritional value.

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