Please help, new chick not doing well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


In the Brooder
9 Years
Feb 22, 2010
Rincon, GA
I have a chick that hatched on Friday, now 3 days old.
It has not had a lot of energy but was eating and drinking a litlle. Sleeps a lot.
Today when I got home the chick was very lathargic and doesn't want to open it's eyes.
I have stuck it's beek in water and it will drink. Still chirps when I move it.
PLEASE help what can I do???????

Julie B.
I agree with Coloredeggfarmer. I also had a chick recently that was very "lazy". It was one of the last chicks to hatch and was probably 24hrs after everyone else. I had to keep him separate from all the other chicks. I put a buddy in there with him to keep him company. It worked well, because the buddy also helped him see what he was supposed to be doing-eating and drinking. I also helped him by mixing some water and starter on a spoon and feeding it to him. He's doing much better 7wks later. I can't even tell which on he is
I hope this helps. Good luck!
Thank you all for all your help. Unfortunately I guess the little chick was suppose to be in heaven instead.

It had a hooked foot and had slept a lot from the time it hatched. Her name was Grace so say a little prayer for her and the family. Amazing how something can only be around 3 days but touch your heart in so many ways.

Thank you again,
Julie B.

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