Please help our Golden Buff Hen-wound from rooster peck, pecks herself


10 Years
Nov 29, 2009
about 6 months old. Today one of our roosters(we have been trying to get rid of him, and may just have to resort to butchering him though we don't want to) pecked at her side, it is near her raer, i have not seen her since the injury tho. my dad is out right now getting some bag-balm(or however you spell it) and things from our TSC to help her. she is isolated in the cage we had our chickens in before we put them in a coop. my dad said the area is not bleeding profusely, but it is sore and red. also, she is pecking at it too....i am thinking this is similar to how dogs lick their wounds? any ideas on how to help her beyond what we are doing? also, my dads one friend who has had chickens for many years will be stopping by later to check on her and help out.
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First off

Chickens will peck at wounds. They seem to be attracted to the color red. I've never used it, but there is a product called Blu-cote the covers the wound with blue dye. Seems to reduce or eliminate the pecking.

Good luck

Use the Blu-Kote (get it at feed store), put on latex gloves and spray it on the wound. Key is to keep the wound clean and keep flies and other pests away from the recuperating bird. Don't want infection in a puncture wound and want to avoid maggots (gross, but it can happen.)

If possible, segregate the bird in a cage in the garage or something until she can get a few days healed. This worked for me.

Good luck.
thank you everybody. my dad put some Blood Stop from TSC on her, if that does not work, maybe we will get some blukote. i will tell him about the blukote. he has her in a cage in our coop, because she was seeming rather lonely by herself, and we think the other chickens are helping, and since she is still isolated they can't hurt her. also, my dad made a makeshift cone thing like they use for dogs to keep on her, and that has stopped the pecking, but i am afraid it will strain her neck, will it?
update on the collar thing....she totally took her foot and took it off. smart chicken! so i guess that means she is strong and all.
from Alaska-

Had a similar Problem today with a Roo ......and the BluKote didn't seem to stop the hens, now Smarty (will have to be in a Dog Kennel in the coop).
my dad checked on her before going to work this morning, and as soon as my brother is up he will go collect the eggs and check on her, and if she is bleeding again i will have to help him and get the other chickens to their outside coop and put some more Blood Stop on her.

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