Please help! Post-pasty butt; chick is going downhill. What are the odds she’ll recover?


Feb 15, 2020
Yesterday, I rescued four chicks from Wilco Farm Store. They all had cases of pasty butt, with varying severity. Three could still squeeze out some feces, but the fourth could not. She was the worst case. She acted ill as well.
I meticulously cleaned off her bum. She had a very slight prolapse (no picking occured, it was only really noticeable when her butt fluff was wet. She is able to poop, and has been for the last 12+ hours. I think it’s almost fixed, no tissue was showing.
She is a day-old Sapphire Gem.
Here’s there story.
But over the last six hours, she has gone downhill. While she used to be lively and act like a normal chick (but a little weaker and sleepier) she now will do nothing but sleep. I worry she is not going to pull through.
I’ve been feeding her egg yolk, Nutri-drenched water, and chick feed. She eats and drinks properly.
She eagerly takes the egg yolk.
All she does now is stand, swaying and whispering peeps, directly under the heat lamp. She will rouse herself to eat and drink, but doesn’t interact with the other three chicks, and had her eyes closed most of the time. I’ve seen her poop multiple times, other than being watery, she’s pooping fine.
She’s just plummeted downhill.
Is there any magical cure? Sacred chants? Solid, foolproof advice? I’m willing to try anything.
I want this baby to survive.
Please, please help.
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Yesterday, I rescued four chicks from Wilco Farm Store. They all had cases of pasty butt, with varying severity. Three could still squeeze out some feces, but the fourth could not. She was the worst case. She acted ill as well.
I meticulously cleaned off her bum. She had a very slight prolapse (no picking occured, it was only really noticeable when her butt fluff was wet. She is able to poop, and has been for the last 12+ hours. I think it’s almost fixed, no tissue was showing.
She is a day-old Sapphire Gem.
Here’s there story.
But over the last six hours, she has gone downhill. While she used to be lively and act like a normal chick (but a little weaker and sleepier) she now will do nothing but sleep. I worry she is not going to pull through.
I’ve been feeding her egg yolk, Nutri-drenched water, and chick feed. She eats and drinks properly.
She eagerly takes the egg yolk.
All she does now is stand, swaying and whispering peeps, directly under the heat lamp. She will rouse herself to eat and drink, but doesn’t interact with the other three chicks, and had her eyes closed most of the time. I’ve seen her poop multiple times, other than being watery, she’s pooping fine.
She’s just plummeted downhill.
Is there any magical cure? Sacred chants? Solid, foolproof advice? I’m willing to try anything.
I want this baby to survive.
Please, please help.
Awww, poor baby! (What's her name again?)
The nutridrench is what I would have suggested, but you're already doing that. I think she just needs time. Make sure she's not being trampled or anything, and can stay warm. You could try making her a separate brooder, or make a smaller brooder and set it inside of the main one. If she's eating/drinking/pooping now, odds are she'll recover. Keep feeding her and giving her water. If you haven't don't direct nutridrench, do that. Put just nutridrench on her beak and let her swallow. Do that often, every hour or two.
Good luck with the sweetie, and keep us posted. Know that if she doesn't make it though, that you gave her a shot at life that she never would have had. She knows that she is loved now. If she has stayed at the feed store, I'm sure she would have died in a short time.
You're doing great. :hugs
She’s better, actually. I did make her a raised little nest-thing in an overturned hamster house. She can easily step in and out, and likes it. It brings her closer to the lamp. She’s much less cold-resistant than the others. I’ve even seen her friends in there.
I had to clean her bum again. Her butt was clogged again this morning, she had to strain to poop. It’s 100% clean now, unless more poop gets stuck in her butt floof.
But she’s more alive, cheeping and snuggling with her friends instead of swaying, eyes closed, under the lamp.
I think she’s gonna make it.
I’ll update this with any events or miracles.
She’s better, actually. I did make her a raised little nest-thing in an overturned hamster house. She can easily step in and out, and likes it. It brings her closer to the lamp. She’s much less cold-resistant than the others. I’ve even seen her friends in there.
I had to clean her bum again. Her butt was clogged again this morning, she had to strain to poop. It’s 100% clean now, unless more poop gets stuck in her butt floof.
But she’s more alive, cheeping and snuggling with her friends instead of swaying, eyes closed, under the lamp.
I think she’s gonna make it.
I’ll update this with any events or miracles.
I was praying so hard that she would get better!!!

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