Please help. Pullet has lost a TON of weight. Coccidiosis?? Please help me save her!!


8 Years
Mar 24, 2012
Please help. My hen is sitting, eyes closed, feathers ruffled by herself. I don't know what's wrong!!! I have been giving her vit. C, and plenty of water with de-wormer in it for the past couple days and she hasn't been getting better. She is really skinny, so I have been giving her scrambled egg every day.

Please help, I LOVE this bird dearly.
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Is she old? Is it hot or cold outside? How long has she been like this? Did she experience any attack before it happened?

Don't give up hope! Chickens can be incredibly resilient, and she is likely no exception! Prayers for you and your hen heading your way!
Is she old? Is it hot or cold outside? How long has she been like this? Did she experience any attack before it happened?

Don't give up hope! Chickens can be incredibly resilient, and she is likely no exception! Prayers for you and your hen heading your way!
She's not old, only 9 months! Not long, I held her last week and she didn't feel skinny at all. No attacks that I know of, she's the dominant hen in the flock.

Thanks very, very much.
I tried giving her scrambled egg just a minute ago, and she wont eat! Just stares at the food like a zombie.
It sounds like the classic signs of coccidiosis (lethargy, won't eat, feathers fluffed up, sits in corner by herself with eyes closed). Also there is diarrhea or bloody poo. It usually only appears in older hens as far as I know if they are immunocompromised or exposed to new soil. Does she have diarrhea?

If you have tried everything you know to try and want to try one more thing you can give her Corid but I really don't know what is wrong.

I am sure that many bacterial or viral problems could also look like this. I do have to say that if it were my hen I'd just try the Corid for 24 hours to see if it helped. (You have already tried wormer.)

Here is what I give when I dose my chickens:
Corid 9.6% solution, 9.5 ml per gallon of drinking water for 5-7 days, mixing new solution daily. You should see improvement within 24 hours. Don't give vitamins at the same time, since it is a thiamine blocker. I would take the wormer out of the water if you are giving another medication.

One thing you can do if you don't really want to medicate without knowing is to call around- some vets will do a fecal test for worms and cocci for a small fee (just bring the poo- false negatives are possible on the worms test). But they would see a lot of cocci in the poo if that was a problem of hers.
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Another thing is, if she does have worms, and the wormer you gave only kills a certain type of worm, that won't help her. Just something to consider- I do hope she recovers soon! I am so sorry that I don't know what the problem is.

With her being skinny at 9 months of age, worming was a very valid thing to do. If the Corid doesn't help you might look into the different wormers to see if you should give another one. Wormers can kill weak hens so just be cautious.
It sounds like the classic signs of coccidiosis (lethargy, won't eat, feathers fluffed up, sits in corner by herself with eyes closed). Also there is diarrhea or bloody poo. It usually only appears in older hens as far as I know if they are immunocompromised or exposed to new soil. Does she have diarrhea?

If you have tried everything you know to try and want to try one more thing you can give her Corid but I really don't know what is wrong.

I am sure that many bacterial or viral problems could also look like this. I do have to say that if it were my hen I'd just try the Corid for 24 hours to see if it helped. (You have already tried wormer.)

Here is what I give when I dose my chickens:
Corid 9.6% solution, 9.5 ml per gallon of drinking water for 5-7 days, mixing new solution daily. You should see improvement within 24 hours. Don't give vitamins at the same time, since it is a thiamine blocker. I would take the wormer out of the water if you are giving another medication.

One thing you can do if you don't really want to medicate without knowing is to call around- some vets will do a fecal test for worms and cocci for a small fee (just bring the poo- false negatives are possible on the worms test). But they would see a lot of cocci in the poo if that was a problem of hers.
She has normal poo, only a bit off colored. It's very white, with a light tan coloring as well.

I have an "off brand" Corid, that has the same active ingredient. Would that work?

I have tried calling around, for another problem with a bird, and none of the local vets "do" chickens, or even poultry in general.

Another thing is, if she does have worms, and the wormer you gave only kills a certain type of worm, that won't help her. Just something to consider- I do hope she recovers soon! I am so sorry that I don't know what the problem is.

With her being skinny at 9 months of age, worming was a very valid thing to do. If the Corid doesn't help you might look into the different wormers to see if you should give another one. Wormers can kill weak hens so just be cautious.
Thanks so much for your response.

Is there anything rich in protein that is liquid that I can force feed to her so she'll eat?

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