Announcement Please Help & Reply To Unanswered Threads

I think everyone needs to be more civil. We are all adults here. We are all here because we care about the people who's threads aren't getting answered. I don't think anything is gained by insulting or hurting the feeling of a fellow member
So why don't we all take a deep breath, and respond to others politely, or as the saying goes "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything."
Answer me or I'll not return seems petty.
If you were daily welcoming new members, you would see that many, in fact, more than half, say that they have been reading posts and looking up information on the site for a while - some years, and are impressed how much information, how responsive, and how kind our site is. They spend that much time determining if we are "worthy" of joining. If they find out we are not as responsive as they thought we were; they may go somewhere else. Especially if they have a time-sensitive issue/question i.e.: medical, security, etc...They would have to, they need an answer. This is what @LifeSimpleAndSweet is referring to.

Frankly, it was embarrassing for me to respond to some of these posts that were 3-weeks old and were medical. All I could say was did you get a answer or do you still need help, and tag a member I knew was medical.
If you were daily welcoming new members, you would see that many, in fact, more than half, say that they have been reading posts and looking up information on the site for a while - some years, and are impressed how much information, how responsive, and how kind our site is. They spend that much time determining if we are "worthy" of joining. If they find out we are not as responsive as they thought we were; they may go somewhere else. Especially if they have a time-sensitive issue/question i.e.: medical, security, etc...They would have to, they need an answer. This is what @LifeSimpleAndSweet is referring to.

Frankly, it was embarrassing for me to respond to some of these posts that were 3-weeks old and were medical. All I could say was did you get a answer or do you still need help, and tag a member I knew was medical.
Well put.

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