PLEASE HELP!! (Video) Dizzy, unbalanced, "drunk" duck. WHAT'S WRONG??

very happy to hear he is doing better..

A couple of afterthoughts I had . . . .

Fish store for charcoal? Hmmm. I use my own, because I know it is from untreated, clean hardwood, so I just save chunks when I clean out the wood stove. In fact, tonight I plan to crush some for tooth powder ingredient.

Anyway, glad you knew where to find some plain old charcoal. I never know for sure what kind of area BYC friends live in, so maybe the local big box is the quickest place to get activated charcoal, or maybe, like me, someone just needs to grab the mortar and pestle.

Also . . . how are the other ducks? Perhaps some extra monitoring might be in order for a day or so.

The same thing happened to my duck make sure there is nothing made of metal he can eat or drink from. as soon as we remove the metal container she was drinking from she was fine.

I have read that metal containers can leach, especially if the water is slightly acid. Glad you had a happy ending.

And sometimes we put apple cider vinegar in the water as a tonic, and that can cause metal leaching.

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