Please help with breed and gender


In the Brooder
Mar 24, 2017
Hi folks! We hatched 22 chicks 3 weeks ago and have lost track a bit in the reeds, particularly between Barnevelders and Blue Laced Red Wyandottes as they looked quite similar as hatchlings. At least to us newbies. :)

We are trying to discern what we have and see if we can tell gender on a few of the more obvious ones.

I think this first is a male Barnevelder. Can anyone please confirm?



This second is a Swedish Flower Hen (I think!).



Thank you all!
First on looks like a gold laced Wyandotte, barnevelder have a single comb, not rose comb.

Second one I don't know.
Thank you both for such quick responses!

10-4 on the Wyandotte. I had forgotten about the combs. That will make it much easier.

General forum etiquette question - as I pick others out I want to query, should I continue in thi thread or make a new one?

Thanks again!
Your thread, do as you please. You may get more answers in multiple threads, but I'm just guessing at it.

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