Please help with gender and breed.

If your goal is to get rid of cockerels, I would get rid of 1, 3, and 4. Hold onto bird 2 for a bit longer. Looks like a Light Sussex mix. Sussex get combs early. Chick 5 I believe is a pullet.
Some more pics, different angles

First is a barred rock pullet. Second looks like a pullet but I don't know what breed. A mix maybe? Third I think is a pullet? Also maybe a mix? How old are they? Fourth looks like another Barre rock pullet. Fifth is another mix pullet?
Hello guys,
Can you please help with identifying the below chickens with breed and gender?
Thanks alot.

View attachment 2898861View attachment 2898862View attachment 2898863View attachment 2898864View attachment 2898865
Number one looks like a like cock, saddle feathers by tail tell me so.

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