Please help with sick peacock

I thought I should share that I saw one looking a little off a few days ago and last night I decided to bring her in. Her poop looks very much like the poop pictures I posted, so I suspect it's blackhead and E.coli, though I guess it could be something else. Doesn't matter though, treatment will be the same.
2.5 year old 3 kg hen

0.6m (60mg)l Baytril (100mg/ml) by injection once a day 100 mg metronidazole orally twice a day for no less than 5 days 1.5 ml Safeguard orally once a day for 5 days 0.7 ml Corid orally once a day for 5 days 60-120ml of fluids via the tube several times a day. Once hydrated I will tube Kaytee. -Kathy
My boy didn't make it, I knew this morning he was going to but I never give up on them, I have 18 Peas now that all share the same pen as he did, is Blackhead contagious? Im worried about that!
So sorry... blackhead can spread through the whole flock. It doesn't always, but it can. All should be de-wormed and you should buy enough metronidazole and Baytri to treat all of them in case they do get sick. -Kathy
 If one bird in a pen has it, it is very likely more have it.  It would be wise to start a Safeguard treatment right away to kill the cecal worms.  I recommend that you have a fecal exam done Monday.  Get about a half of a teaspoon from as many fresh piles as you can find in the morning.  Collect them in a baggie and take them to the vet and have them check for worm eggs and cocci.

Sorry for your loss.

Kingbee is right on point, its highly likely the other birds are carrying it as well, treat asap. Sorry for the loss.

Gerald Barker
I thought I should share that I saw one looking a little off a few days ago and last night I decided to bring her in. Her poop looks very much like the poop pictures I posted, so I suspect it's blackhead and E.coli, though I guess it could be something else. Doesn't matter though, treatment will be the same.
2.5 year old 3 kg hen

0.6m (60mg)l Baytril (100mg/ml) by injection once a day 100 mg metronidazole orally twice a day for no less than 5 days 1.5 ml Safeguard orally once a day for 5 days 0.7 ml Corid orally once a day for 5 days 60-120ml of fluids via the tube several times a day. Once hydrated I will tube Kaytee. -Kathy
Update... My hen is a little better now and just yesterday started pooping some semi-regular poop. Still tubing lots of fluids, but she is eating a little on her own. -Kathy
I need info from you and you always lead me in the right direction. I have just found lice on one of my chickens an d now have a big job ahead of me. That said my peacock lives right next to them in his pen. He looks great except for getting wet with winter melt/ rain and flooding of his pen. Other than that he is Great. lol But how in Gods name am I going to check him he is 3yrs. And how will I treat him just in case even if his is clean. Warm weather cannot get here soon enough for me. Enjoy Calf . way less headaches. Tomorrow it is going to be warmer like 40s. I can dip a chicken but will need a pond and a small army for Picasso.
Hope you can help tThanks
I need info from you and you always lead me in the right direction. I have just found lice on one of my chickens an d now have a big job ahead of me. That said my peacock lives right next to them in his pen. He looks great except for getting wet with winter melt/ rain and flooding of his pen. Other than that he is Great. lol But how in Gods name am I going to check him he is 3yrs. And how will I treat him just in case even if his is clean. Warm weather cannot get here soon enough for me. Enjoy Calf . way less headaches. Tomorrow it is going to be warmer like 40s. I can dip a chicken but will need a pond and a small army for Picasso.
Hope you can help tThanks
Use poultry dust.

Use poultry dust.


Yep it works, if you could build a large shallow box or a wal mart kiddie pool and put sand and poultry dust mixed he would prob get in it and dust Im sure he is probably missing his daily dust bath for sure.

Ps: if you have a fireplace, they love the ashes.

Gerald Barker
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Yep it works, if you could build a large shallow box or a wal mart kiddie pool and put sand and poultry dust mixed he would prob get in it and dust Im sure he is probably missing his daily dust bath for sure.

Ps: if you have a fireplace, they love the ashes.

Gerald Barker

I get over a wheelbarrow per week of wood ash, the birds love it. They also enjoy snacking on the cold coals too.

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