Please help with sick peacock

Yes, but I was cleaning house while thinking about it, which doesn't work for me... I have to be sitting down and not have any distractions, lol. Math doesn't come easy, I do have to work at the stuff I post about.


Well, you do a very good job at it, and you make it look easy.

I dunno if this helps, but a problem like that is easiest for me if I think about it in parts or fractions. So our desired 5% solution is 1 part dextrose out of 20 total parts ... 1/20 dextrose, 19/20 water...

Our 50% starter solution is 1:1 dextrose:water, or 1/2 of it is dextrose. If we bump up our quantity with 9 more parts water, we have 10 parts total, and 1/2 of one of those parts (or 1/20 th) is dextrose.... But I'm pretty visual, so maybe there's an easier way for you?
The other way that jumped at me when I started was... If I have an ounce of 50% solution, then I have 1/2 ounce dextrose & 1/2 ounce water. How much water do I need to add to get a 5% solution?

Well, I know to have a 5% solution, if I have 1/2 ounce of dextrose, I need to have 19 one-half ounces (to make 20 one-half ounces), cuz that gets me my 1/20th solution. I already have one of those one-half ounces of water in that original ounce, so I need to add 18 more one-half ounces, or 9 oz.

So to every ounce of my original solution, I add 9 ounces of pure water....

Or maybe I have just added more math confusion
It all makes perfect sence
im sorry I guess I left the party early last night and you guys just kept on partying! My two year old (Sky) fell asleep and I seen that as an opportunity to get some rest too. Lily eagle is doing great this morning, I haven't heard any sneezing yet. I will get a pic of her back and post it. I just wanted to thank you guys for caring enuf to continue to help me out with little eagle. It means alot to me!!!
here's a better pic. I hope shes a he but if not that's okay with me as long as my babys alive. Atleast I dont have to change the name Little Eagle in a unisex name

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