Please help with sick peacock

I was just getting ready to give you guys a update
she is doing great! Everyday I see more improvement in her feather growth, befor when she was sick her feathers on her head and neck were real thin and I cant see her skin anymore its all filled in. She's been on probiotics/electrolytes for 4 days now and I cant even begin to tell you guys how good it feels to not have any of my birds on meds! Theirs no more blood in the poo out in my coop so everybody is doing good out there. I wanted to make sure all of my birds were healthy befor I put her back into general population lol. LE's weight is at 2.8lbs. So shes gaining! Today will be her first day out in the coop somy fingers are crossed all goes well.
All my peas were real curious about Little Eagle
. Things went well with her out there today and im getting ready to walk out side to see where she decided to perch up for the night
I will give you guys an update tomarrow and I think this thread is about finished! She made it!!! Thanks to everybody who helped me and posted with ideas and advise!
Little Eagle is doing great out in the coop with the rest of my peas. She fits right in! Blue was showing off for her this morning, it was so cute! She's still gaining weight shes almost at 3lbs and she looks so much bigger since I put her out there

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