Please Help! Wyandotte Chick Sexing

Wow, that's SO cool that they're both from Comps! :celebrate What are the chances?!?

Yes, Comps' Wyandottes have amazing lacing; I'm really impressed with the quality of most of their birds. Though our Faverolles didn't turn out exactly show quality.. .;) I may have missed it somewhere in this thread, but what's your Golden's name?

May I ask what other breeds you have? 🙂 I'd give you a list of mine but they're already in my profile text...

Leia has been going broody a lot too; thankfully she doesn't last for that long though.
I'm always able to catch her early so we don't have to go through the trauma of separating her from the flock... :p

I do love Australorps, we have one and I call her 'EggMaster 2000' I''m sure you can guess why :ya

Hehe, yep... Ours goes straight to the nest box first thing every morning; I don't think she's missed a day since she's gotten used to the idea of laying. Our BR also a wonderful layer; she laid two eggs yesterday! :D

Pics of the little chick would be fun; I'd love to see how she turns out! We had a roo that was supposed to be a Buff Laced, but he turned out more splash-looking...
Yes, Comps' Wyandottes have amazing lacing; I'm really impressed with the quality of most of their birds. Though our Faverolles didn't turn out exactly show quality.. .;) I may have missed it somewhere in this thread, but what's your Golden's name?

Well.. quite embarrassing really but I am very bad at naming chooks. She is just Goldie- or occasionally 'Golden Girl'.

My Silver laced is um.. you guessed it- Silver/ Silvie. She's also my favourite but don't tell the others.
The Australorp is Mrs Black, or 'EggMaster 2000'😁
We have a Isa Brown x Australorp... Mrs Brown:th.. Although behind her back I sometimes refer to her as 'the murderer' but that's a story for another time. She's a bit insane.

Then we have the two little chicks that Goldie is raising- one Silkie and one 'blue laced red wyandotte' or so the egg was marked. Honestly looking at that chick today, it doesn't look particularly wyandotte-esque. I think I might make a seperate thread and see if I can find any other pics of splash laced at that age. They look different on google.. The black is throwing me off or something! What do you reckon?

Leia has been going broody a lot too; thankfully she doesn't last for that long though.
I'm always able to catch her early so we don't have to go through the trauma of separating her from the flock... :p

Must be genetic in their line! I've tried all sorts of methods to break Goldie. I even tried the ice pack method but she just stayed on it and shivered. I had to stop. She was so determined poor thing.

Barred rocks are so pretty! I didn't know they were star layers. Are they friendly?

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