Please Help!


In the Brooder
May 7, 2017
Please Help!
I have a young Ameraucana I bought the middle of last summer, she didn't start laying till winter with a light. I live in Georgia we had a mild winter this year and the light kept the hens laying in the short days. The man I bought her from said she was young, he also said something about a pink spot on her head that means she wasn't old enough to lay till end of summer. Does anyone know anything about this? She layed consistently till about a month ago. She lives in a nice corner of my yard with two other hens who lay everyday, I don't understand why she stopped so suddenly. Please share any advice! I'm very fond of my Audrey Hepburn and hate to give her away. Or worse kill and eat her! Audrey is a very special girl in my mini flock.
Thanks, Eliza
Oh don't eat her! She's probably just resetting her laying schedule with a short break. This is normal. She should resume laying again in a few days or a week or two.
Please Help!
I have a young Ameraucana I bought the middle of last summer, she didn't start laying till winter with a light. I live in Georgia we had a mild winter this year and the light kept the hens laying in the short days. The man I bought her from said she was young, he also said something about a pink spot on her head that means she wasn't old enough to lay till end of summer. Does anyone know anything about this? She layed consistently till about a month ago. She lives in a nice corner of my yard with two other hens who lay everyday, I don't understand why she stopped so suddenly. Please share any advice! I'm very fond of my Audrey Hepburn and hate to give her away. Or worse kill and eat her! Audrey is a very special girl in my mini flock.
Thanks, Eliza

Considering the remark about her having a pink spot on her head, my recommendation is to find another source for replacement birds.

Meanwhile follow the previous poster's advise.
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I have an Ameraukinda(EE) named Audrey too....she's a sporadic layer also, stop and starts without apparent good reason(IMO).

Not sure about the pink spot, unless he was pointing that out the color of her comb was not the bright red of an actively laying pullet.

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