please Help!


In the Brooder
Mar 29, 2018

Im new here. I bought a Rcom mini 9 days ago. it counts the days till the eggs hatch. i noticed a few days ago that the Count down is one day too late. (it says only 10 days to go but i have only 9 days to go) is this harmfull for my eggs?
Also, it should turn the eggs automatically, but that doesnt work. i have to hand turn the eggs myself 2 times a day. Can it be that this causes the problem about the hatching days? im really worried bout my eggs, so please help me.

kind regards,
Hatching chicks is a process that requires time.

There is an old piece of wisdom that says, "Don't count your chickens before they hatch."
An egg from beginning to end requires 21 FULL and COMPLETE days to grow, develop, and start pipping or hatching.

So don't count your chicks until the start of the 22nt day. Your RCom mechanical hen is right. Day one is in the record book or completed only after 24 hours have elapsed.

It is only harmful to your eggs if you panic and jump in and start picking bits of eggshell off your pipping chicks like you were pulling scabs off a healing wound..
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I don't think the humidity in a 24 hrs period changes much. They will hatch when they hatch, day 21-22. I stop turning the eggs at day 14, but I noticed my broody, and her friends, jostle roll and shift the eggs even after they pip, just follow the instructions you have.

For future readers of this thread I suggest you consider a "dry run" using store bought eggs to get the feel of the brooder before you try to hatch eggs.

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