Please Help! ?


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 6, 2011
St. Augustine, FL
I posted about 4 days ago with 3 pullets (12 weeks old) that had watery eyes and 1 seemed to have a slight cough, but they were all acting normal.

Well they all got better after giving them duramycin-10 until today. (5 days total)

1 of them has been laying around and as far as we can tell hasn't done any eating or drinking. I picked her up and examined her, she has a runny nose and is still lethargic. I tried getting water down her and she only took little bits.

I have also been giving them some electrolyte/vitamin A packages I got from Tractor Supply alternated with the duramycin.

What shall I do? My wife is crying bird flu and is consistantly stressed.

Help please!
I am sorry, I am too new to all this but hopefully someone will be along shortly to advise you what to do! Good luck!
The type of Avian Influenza that the media turned into a ridiculous pandemic scare a few years ago has NEVER been found in the US.

THere ARE many respiratory and other diseases that poultry can get. The VAST majority cannot and do not affect mammals (including humans) of any sort.

When dosing with an antibiotic (or other medicine) in the water, DO NOT give vitamins unless instructed by a vet. Also, do not give any unmedicated water--that will cause them to ingest an inadequate dose of the medicine.

Put them back on the labeled dose of duramycin, and do not give other water source until the treatment period listed on the label is complete. You may need to switch to a stronger antibiotic if re-starting the duramycin does not solve the problem.
Well I found a squirter we used to use on our children for medicine and I held her bottom beak open and squirted like 5 squirters full, slowly letting it build in her mouth until she lapped it up. I also cleaned the run and the coop out, not with any chemicals or anything, just cleaned it all out.

We did switch from starter grain to 20% (they were out of the 15% and they said it would be ok) yesterday. But the 3 others are perfectly fine. I am trying my hardest and I did refill their water with the duramycin
How much water do I squirt down her, how do I force her to eat or should I? She still hasn't eaten or drank and she is very very lethargic.
As a rule of thumb, whenever I have sick animals, I never change food types until they are all well again. I would go back to the medicated water and maybe try the dropper again every hour or so. In my experience, once they are really sick, there isn't much more you can do but give the medication and hope for the best.

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