Please help


5 Years
Apr 13, 2014
I have an egg bound hen. I soaked her earlier but I couldn't feel the egg. I put some vegetable oil in her vent. Now it seems the egg broke inside her but I cannot feel any pieces. She is still straining back there but nothing else is coming out. What else can I do for her?

Welcome to BYC!

I am so sorry about your hen. I am not familiar with broken eggs inside hens, but I do know they can get infections from these broken pieces. You need to post this question in our emergency section here on BYC for some help with this....

I hope you can get her back on her feet without any complications. I am so sorry.
She probably needs antibiotics NOW, can you take her to a vet? I would think he would start with innoculations, and trying to get the pieces to pass out.
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Sorry about your hen, hope she recovers. X2 on the vet if you can, or the Emergencies forum.

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