LayALilEgg 4Me

Apr 20, 2015
st helens, merseyside. UK
Hey, i have a pekin bantam who i caught gaping today!!

I started worming worming with flubenvet yesterday, so if its gapeworm ut should be gone after treatment... (iv read gapeworm is rare though)??

I keep my grass short, coops get cleaned every few days and i go and up poo everyday so i am swsying more towards a respiratory problem?

Its a silent gape and otherwise seems perfectly fine, foraging, eating, drinking...

Anyone any ideas or suggestions and what i can do to treat?

Please help i love my chickens and i would hate my other birds to catch something or yo loodr a bird.

Thanks x
Hey, i have read about yawning, i think im just a little panicky? Well sge does seem fine and she is being wormed too! Ill just monitor her carefully for any changes!

Thank you for your help, i am a bit of a worry wart!! X

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