Please I Need Help!!!!!!!!


8 Years
May 30, 2011
North Carolina
i think me barred rock chicken is VERY sick because if u read my last post, my barrd rock hen has been sounding like she is choking but now she is sneezing and also her nose is running!!!!! she is only 2 months old and she is my baby remember!!!! i dont know wht to do!!!!!! does anyone know of a chicken veternarian in raleigh north carolina i dont want to hv to kill her or put her asleep. she lays eggs and she eats and drinks but she is always laying down in the run. please help i will do anything for her!!!!!! thanx!!!!

<3 lucyboo
I wish I could help! I lost a chicken last night and have another sick chicken right now! I just posted a similar question as well! Hoping someone will be able to help you as well!!

Hi it sound if she has an upper respiratory infection, my chicken got during winter. YOur going to have to treat her and any other chickens that have been around her. I used Tylan for 3 days and got rid of the stuff. You want to get the powder form and mix it her water. I also put sugar and they loved it. I hope this helps.

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