Please, please, please keep your cats safe.


5 Years
Jul 10, 2014

My neighbors have a little black cat, Peace Pants. I was sitting in my room with the windows open when I heard someone yell from out front, "I'm going to rip those claws off, !" As I ran out to see what it was (my house is pretty in the woods, so no one ever is really out here), RIGHT THERE AS I WAS WATCHING, there were 3 kids and one was holding peace Pants by his tail. Another one pulled out a lighter and lit his right back leg on fire.

I cannot believe how luck it was that when they let go of him, he ran right to me. I pulled off my sweatshirt and used it to kill the fire. Then I ran after them and am pleased to say I think I knocked out one of their teeth. And gave another a pretty gash on the side of their face.

Anyway, they ran, and I looked over the cat. He wasn't burned that badly. There was a small part of his ankle that looked pretty nasty, but I used cold water to cool him down okay. He still had his (charred) fur except in that spot. I took him back home to his horrified owners and now my knuckles are throbbing and I'm trying to figure out a way to tell my mom why my sweatshirt has scorch marks on it.

But, seriously, I am just so so mad. Why would they do that to an innocent animal? I wish I knew who they were so I could call the cops. My high school is pretty small so if they went there I would have at least recognized their faces.

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
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Quote: Me personally? I'd go to the high school and ask to view their latest yearbook. You'll most likely spot the scumbags who did this awful thing! I'd also go to your police department and demand they make a report of the incident. They have to take's the law. That way you have it recorded....keep us updated and I hope you catch them!
Okay. I'm VERY sorry for not updating. It's been really busy.

Firstly, Peace Pants is doing well (Yay!). He's up walking around and is eager to continue on his outdoor adventures.

Second, my apologies to BYC admin and anyone offended by the "profanity" in the quotes. I hope you understand that I was just trying to communicate what I heard, but I realize there was probably a mor subtle way to do it. :oops:

Now, what we've all been waiting for... (Drumroll please!)...They were caught! :D One of my neighbors can out to them trying to put his boarder collie in their truck and he pointed his gun at them while his wife called the police. Whooo... Glad that's over.

Have a nice rest of your day! :)
I would call the police anyways and make a report of it. Sick people. Hope the cat pulls through Ok. I am a big believer in Karma.
I did just now. Apparently they can't do anything about it but will watch out for anything else.

I'm so glad I don't have to worry about stuff like that (my cats are indoor). If you wait for "anything else" another animal will have been hurt or killed. If you live in the Bellevue area, keep an eye on your animals.
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I would call the police anyways and make a report of it. Sick people. Hope the cat pulls through Ok. I am a big believer in Karma.
For sure! I'm sure you'll see them around, sooner or later! These kids are psychopaths! They need to be stopped! Good for you for getting a "punch" in to them. I too, hope the kitty will be okay. Unbelievable, just unbelievable.
Me personally? I'd go to the high school and ask to view their latest yearbook. You'll most likely spot the scumbags who did this awful thing! I'd also go to your police department and demand they make a report of the incident. They have to take's the law. That way you have it recorded....keep us updated and I hope you catch them!

X2 on iwiw60's advice. Those sickos who did this to your cat need to be caught and appropriately punished.
Aww poor baby! Sure glad you were there to stop it and save him. Hope he gets better soon and his owners keep him inside for now on. All my 5 babies are all black and even though there are a lot of indoor/outdoor cats around here and nothing has happened to them mine will remain strictly indoors. If anyone hurt my babies a coroner would have to be called for them lol.
I'm glad that Peace Pants is doing well, and double glad that they caught these delinquents. I hope the punishment fits the crime, and that they are remorseful and learn their lesson from this.

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