please post some pics of your peacocks

The pics of the Bronze Black Shoulder Spalding peacock at Texas Peafowl look really dark. Keep in mind the Bronze BS Spaldings were photographed with the sun shining on them, and the non-Spalding Bronze were photographed with the sun being a little more overcast. From other pics of Bronze Spaldings, it seems that the darker color of the Spalding's base color as compared to the IB's base color really enhances the darkness of the Bronze mutation.

Unless otherwise stated, the pics below are from Texas Peafowl. A couple are from Medicine Tree Farm, and are so noted.

Bronze peacock (looks to be split to BS)


Bronze peahen


Bronze Blackshoulder peacock and peahen


This Bronze White-Eye peacock was photographed with a bit more light shining on it. You can see how the Bronze gene modifies a bluer base, compared to how it modifies a greener base in the Bronze Spalding pics that follow.


This is a Bronze Spalding peacock, in similar lighting conditions to the regular Bronze and regular Bronze BS pictured above. For some reason, I was unable to upload this pic, so I provided a link to the pic on Texas Peafowl's website.

Bronze Spalding hens. Compare to the non-Spalding Bronze peahen a few pics back.



And here are the Bronze BS Spalding peacocks, with the sun shining on them.



Bronze BS Spalding Hen


This is a Bronze Spalding from Medicine Tree Farm, and it's NOT BS. This breeder is selecting for dark coloration in his Spaldings. Again, note how much darker Bronze appears on the greener base, due to high-Green-content Spalding heritage.


The point of this picture comparison is to pose a question -- if the Bronze mutation produces a darker bird with Green blood than on a pure IB bird, what about if Bronze worked together with another color mutation which darkened the color in another way? Perhaps you can have a bird as dark as a Bronze Spalding but without Green blood if you utilized Midnight.

Midnight BS


Great pic from Medicine Tree Farm, showing three males -- on left is Midnight BS, center is IB (split to either white or pied), and on right is Midnight BS Spalding. You can see how the Midnight mutation modifies the base color present, either Indian-Blue or Spalding-Greenish.


It'd be interesting to see how Bronze modifies a base already modified by Midnight (or, vice versa -- how Midnight modifies a base already modified by Bronze, or perhaps better said "how Midnight and Bronze together modify a Blue base"). A few people have PM'ed me with projects in the works, so I guess we'll find out in a couple years.

"If you always do what's always been done, you'll always get what's always been gotten."

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Purple-Midnight BS was a project someone else PM'ed me about, so again, we'll find out in a few years. If someone started with Purple BS Spalding and Midnight BS Spalding instead of Purple BS and Midnight BS in non-hybrids as a parallel project, we could find out in about the same amount of time.

The phenotypes from breeding Spalding to Spalding will vary, but within the offspring, selection could be made in favor of maintaining characteristics intermediate between the green and blue parent species, or favoring the green parent species in higher-content hybrids. I'd safely assume that using founders with a very high percentage of green blood would diminish the potential amount of expression of blue characteristics -- if the parents are each only 1/16 IB, then the highest possible percentage of IB genes offspring could possess would be 1/8 (the full 1/16 from 2 parents = 1/8), and that's only in the minute chance that each parent contributes EVERY SINGLE IB gene it had, and each of its Spalding ancestors did the same with each generation of breeding back to a pure Green.

In reality, phenotypes of offspring from species-hybrid X species-hybrid fall along a Bell Curve, with the majority maintaining an intermediate appearance, and only the minority at the tail ends expressing the extremes from either parent. This Bell Curve will grow more steep towards the center with each successive breeding back to one particular parent species. In other words, the range of phenotypes from a 15/16-Green Spalding X 15/16-Green Spalding will be less extreme than those from a 1/2-Green Spalding X 1/2-Green Spalding. Simply put, the high-content hybrids have less and less genetic information from their IB ancestor to show up in their offspring, so the odds of strongly IB traits popping up diminish as the percentage of IB blood diminishes.

Breeders of other species utilize available mutations as paints in their art. Perhaps in a few years we'll see more peafowl breeders who aren't averse to dogma about what can and can't be put on the same canvas.
i loved LOVED my trio peapox
they died 2 hrs apart of each other saturday im so lost now it tugs my heart and soul...
I love the brightness of the IB .... Seems we can play with the colors but nothing is as bright and beautiful as what Nature has done on its own...
Here are some of my birds.
Purple and white cocks and IBPied cock with some girls :


Purple and a IB Pied cocks:

IB Pied cock :
I love the brightness of the IB .... Seems we can play with the colors but nothing is as bright and beautiful as what Nature has done on its own...
Here are some of my birds.
Purple and white cocks and IBPied cock with some girls :View attachment 2140930
View attachment 2140931

Purple and a IB Pied cocks:
View attachment 2140934

IB Pied cock :
View attachment 2140933
WOW, some gorgeous peafowl and some great photography. I am impressed!
It takes a while to load this thread but the wait is worth it.
I will add a few of our favorites from our current flock.
Pretty Boy, BS Silver Pied

Abby (who was named at two days old b4 we knew his sex) a Pretty Boy son

Smokey, Charcoal white eye, he is awesome and he knows it. A wonderful, big boned charcoal!

BS Silver pied chicks

Harold, Bronze white eye

Tonga, Java girl

Stryker, IB split to Bronze

Abby again, notice his heart shaped eyes in the tail. Like his father the Pretty Boy.

Cammer Man, Cameo white eye

Pearl, showing off that Girls can strutt their stuff too. White split to BS Silver Pied

David, 2 year old BS Midnight. He is just getting better, gorgeous color.

Cain a BS Bronze male doing what he does best with the Bronze Girls.

Vincent, Peach White Eye. Photo of him at 2. Only photo I have of him on my phone. You ought to see him now. WOW.

Smokey, Charcoal white eye. I can't stop looking at him. Did I say I am crazy about this guy?

Sugar and Spice, two young hens from our Bronze pen
Wow. Your birds are drop dead gorgeous! :th

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