, and remember them.

me too.
It is sad they have such high prices on the adoption fees. You can get a pure breed for less in the classifed ads. Our Humane Society have dogs that have been there for 5 yrs!!! The one in Little Rock does give one away each week and show it on TV. When we adopted a cat which was $65 and not spayed, I thought when I was filling out the paper work that if hospitals gave parents that much detailed requrement and threatening to do a unannounced visit before parents took babies home there might be less child abuse.

Our local humane society just recused 80 dogs this weekend!

Kay and Ozark Hen, your stories about shelters are really sad

The shelter for my county is really strict, too-they won't even allow you to interact with the animals before they approve your adoption application. All the private rescues I've seen are even more strict and insist on a home inspection before you can adopt. I realize they want to give the animals the best possible home, but alot of people ( my family included) value their privacy and don't want a complete stranger who probably hasn't had a background check by the rescue group inspecting our house.

Fortunately, there are other shelters in other nearby counties that aren't as strict as the one in my county, so the next time my family wants to adopt a dog, we will go to one of them

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