Please respond! Is this what I can expect?


9 Years
Jul 14, 2010
Wilkesboro NC
One of my dominique pullets began laying at 26 weeks old over the weekend. I'm very proud of her, and the eggs are rather large for pullet eggs!

While I feel guilty for complaining....I have to ask: since she started laying, she has layed every other day, totalling 3 eggs now. Will she always be an "every OTHER day" layer? I was hoping that this breed would be more like a "nearly daily" type production bird... one of my cochin hens is outpacing her at this point for goodness' sake!

I know I sound ungrateful, but I really want higher production...
If she just started laying...par for the course. Most become daily layers a little later on. Have patience she is learning how to do a difficult job.
I know I know...I'm being impatient...

In my defense, my RIR, "Trudy", spoiled me mightily...she started laying one day and lays 5-6 eggs a week now...

I am really eager to start hatching my Dom eggs and I still have two pullets yet to begin I'm just overly eager, I guess.

thanks for the info, luvinmychickens! I actually hatched these girls as "barred rocks" and it wasn't until they were a month or so old that I discovered I had been sold Dominique eggs by mistake! I really wanted BRs and was horribly disappointed...because I wanted high production. But, I fell in love with these girlies and decided to forge ahead..and now 6 months later I am finally getting an egg...every OTHER day, lol!
My birds have probably averaged one every other day during peak production. I am grateful that they haven't laid more often, because their little bodies would wear out much's such hard work...

Sheesh, I know!!! Again, I know I sound whiney...I just hoped that they would lay more in the summer as I've since read that they basically slow to a trickle in the laying department in the winter... I just don't have the resources to feed non-productive birds in the winter and am already forced to downsize the majority of my ornamentals just to keep the production birds in feed in the cold months.

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