Please send good karma, prayers, puppy drool... Whatever ya got

It's a basset thing
Now that the plant is built, hubby is expendable. Plain as that.

Yep, I agree. Instead of firing him, they are "anti-firing" him -- abusing him enough so that he'll quit, but not be able to make a claim against them.

Best of luck to you.​
Oh Dear! I am soooo very sorry to hear this! I have been in there before myself and it is horrible!
You and DH will be in my prayers and I will ask for my friends and family to pray as well.
Keep the faith and hold on. You never know what God has in store for you. SOmething better may be right around the corner.

It sounds like they are hoping he will not fight them. (Or else something else entirely is going on.) My personal take is that they are severely questioning his integrity, and have indeed slandered him. Counter with an offer (presented in a letter from a lawyer) where they acknowledge the accuracy of his "resume, qualifications, education, contacts, everything" and offer a severance package that will last long enough to find replacement work at a salary commensurate to his education, background and job experience. This may or may not be what he was paid before this situation came about. They have no reason to prevent him recieving unemployment as that was already paid. If they want him off the books, this would get him off of them. It also presents him in a better light to future employees than if he is severely demoted.

Right to work states are typically about union vs non-union employment, not about trumped up claims of invalid credentials. Something stinks, and I think the legal advise you have already received is probably not hte best available. Being fired for no reason is allowed, stating that your integrity and credentials are lacking is something else entirely.
I agree with Sonoran, I would talk to a different lawyer. Regardless of whether you live in a right to work state or not, he's accusing him of lying on his resume. If he can back up his resume, that's proof. There is something fishy going on.

Why in the world would your husband's supervisor even feel the need to say such a thing.

Working at "will" your husband has no contract. He can be fired layed off terminated demoted with out any justification what so ever.

Unemployment insurance cost? Why would the company worry about that, they are I garauntee already paying the max.

For what it's worth, I think hubby got in a pi$$!ng contest and lost. Whether your husband was right or wrong doesn't matter. The big boss may not always be right, but he is always the big boss!!!!

Little people pay the price.
By the way-- the conversation concerning the boss accussing your husband of lying on his resume. Well unless it was witnessed or documented in writing-- the bossman is going to say it never took place.

As justification the company will point to some minor infractions concerning company policy, as reason behind the demotion.

Good luck getting anything done.

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