Please send healing vibes for Petey.

OH MY GOSH! Petey really did save someone! I just glanced in the backyard and one of his ladies was limping around back there!!!! Good job Petey!
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OMG GOOD JOB What A GOoD BOY!!!!!! yay
I hope he gets better
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HOLY COW!!! I am so in love with Roosters, I can't believe it, they really are the best little soldiers and protectors!! Great job Petey for saving one of your girls!!!!

I don't want to sound like a chicken-mom (and forgive me if I do) but have you cleaned out his puncture wounds? They can go bad on you really fast.

How is the girlie doing???


this is for you

and this is for Petey
I did clean the two big ones I could find. I can't find others but there are scratches. I'm more worried about his shoulder. If I even part the feathers on it he cringes an it's VERY swollen. Poor guy. That was a long drop for a chicken that can't fly

His girl looks good! She seems untouched except for a slight limp when she runs. I found his other girl's carcass torn apart under the deck

I bought a masterlock with key for the coop and a doggy door so my dog can patrol the yard at night. Hopefully that will help a lot.

Now he just HAS to pull through for his lady! I will never ever not have a rooster again. I am SO proud of him!
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I don't know what to do about the shoulder, I wish I did but I am too new with chickens
Hopefully someone will come along and can give some advice. What a horrible thing to be dropped like that

I am so happy for the girlie!!
Does she have a name??
oh I am so sorry! Your sweet little rooster deserves to live and I hope he makes it. agree about the electric. I got my system online by googling premier fencing.
Poor guy! I hope he makes a full recovery. Could you maybe get a picture of his shoulder? I'm sure he wouldn't like that...
Is there a vet in your area you could take him to? I'm sure that would be pricey, I know I don't have the funds for something like that.
I'm so glad one of the girls showed up! That's awesome!
I'm sending bunches of hugs and love for Petey!
I'm sorry to read about you and Peteys bad luck. Keep him quiet as possible and encourage him to eat and drink I would give him a few days to heal on his own that may be a big blood clot that his body will have to absorb you may have to take him to the vet to get it drained. If he's moving around on his own I'd say there is a good chance he'll make it. Bet of luck to you both.

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