Please send healing vibes for Petey.

thank you for that!
I'm sending Petey all my hugs for the day! No one else will get any!
Really are doing a great job. I hope he pulls through. We're all rootin' for him at my house!
And if the worst cannot blame yourself, you've done so much! Most people....not on here of course, but in the general public of not crazy chicken land....would have just killed him.
You are an amazing chicken Momma! <3<3<3<3<3<3
huggzz to Petey and to you for the wonderful job you are doing!!!

If he is eatting a little try putting a little oatmeal in a dish and pour hot water over it to swell it up and then a little more warm water to cover it then if he does want to drink the water will get the oatmeal protein with it and will hopefully eat a little oatmeal.. I use oatmeal all winter when cold and mine love it and used it on one that had been attacked by a chicken hawk (red tail hawk) Luckily we were able to get to her and the hawk was young so had only ripped feathers and only a few bites on her...

She was traumatized and we brought her in and kept her warm and she wouldnt eat or drink either but then did her oatmeal and it worked! Good luck and Petey is sooo very lucky to have you!!!
God I just jumped on this post and holy cow...
Come on super roo! You can do it!
(Sends healing thought your way)
Thanks so much for all of the support and advice, everyone!

Petey had his second pennicilin shot today and it went much worse then yesterday. He freaked and I can't blame him, that needle is forking huge
still no progress but that's better than him getting worse, I suppose. He's moving around and eating pebbles and such, drinking plenty of fluids. I put out a plate of eggs, yogurt, an baby food. I'll replace that with oatmeal in an hour or so and see if he's more fond of that.

I've been trying to upload a video from my phone for you guys but it's just not working, sorry
Alright well since I can't upload the vid, here's a pic my boyfriend shot of me forcing Petey to give me a cuddle on the deck. It almost looks like this may be the begining of a beautiful friendship. (maybe not for him!)

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