Please send healing vibes for Petey.

It truely warms my heart to see Pretty Petey opening his eyes

Just an FYI - when I have used Pen. - we always run the course of shots for 7 days. Course this is on mammals, but not sure why only 4 days on chickens?
Anyone who might know?

That little bugger is so darn cute!! I'm so glad he survived and is doing better
D I like happy endings. (Well, he survived- that's 'happy' for me
Sorry about the girls though :< )
I will ask in the injuries section.

Thanks guys!!!!!!

I was watching him walk around in the sun earlier an he fluttered his wing. When he did so I noticed a HUGE mark on his ribcage. Upon further inspection I found that Petey had a MASSIVE hole ripped into his side. It about a nickel sized hole. I was pretty confused as to how I missed a puncture that large, until I remembered that when I gave him his checkover for bites I didn't look under that wing because he wouldn't let me lift it. How could I be so stupid? Either way i haven't cleaned this wound at all but it doesn't look infected. In fact it looks pretty good given the circumstances. Pics to follow.

Also the swellin isn't going down at all. When I look down into the swollen eyelid I can see little bits of the cottage cheese stuff. There was one little chunk yesterday and today it is longer. I wonder if that's a drainage point?
I'm sure that "crackling" that you've been feeling is leakage from a torn air sac. It should gradually heal like all the rest. I wonder if a really forceful saline flush could help dislodge some of the pus from the eyelid?
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Maybe, Ive been really gentle with him. It would be a two person job, so maybe when my Markie gets home from work. Ideally I would like to get some tweezers in there but I don't feel comfortable doing that.

Pete-ster just crowed for the first time since Wednesday! Love that noise
Rockin' Reds :

How's Petey this morning?

He is okay. His skin is very hot to the touch. His swelling has not gone down at all either on that one side of his face. Last night we poked it with a needle and it bled with no puss, but when we massaged it a lot of fluids came out of his nose. We also tried to pull out the white mass from his eye with tweezers but it was attached to the inside of his eyelid and would not come off. I've still got him on the eye meds but he's done with the penicillin so he's pretty much on his own now.

Yesterday he crowed ALL DAY an this morning he went back to raping his girl.

His crest feathers are turning amber colored as well, what's up with that? It doesnt have anything to do with me cutting them, right?​

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