Please send healing vibes for Petey.

Well my boyfriend has put his foot down on buying more meds and I can't really blame him. I am not workin until august so he's been fronting the bill on this, well over 100 bucks. I guess that wouldn't be that bad except we just moved into this fixer-upper and spent a ton of money redoing the floors and walls. This week the pipes have burst and the window in the front room has busted. Both things will need replacement and it's pretty much drained our savings. Mark feels like Petey is doing very well an if he can't make it from here he probobly wouldn't anyway.

That being said, he seems well. The swelling has gone down minutely. I took down his pen today and let him free range with the big girls. This made him EXTREMELY happy. I recieved some polish chicks today that I have been waiting for for months. They are now in the house and Petey will be spending his first night in the big coop. He's always had his little coop to himself and his girls so he is very upset about the change. He's been in the house for a week now so tonight at dusk he sat at the back door waiting for us to let him in. That was pretty heartbreaking
I finally had to scoop him and his girl up and lock him in. He protested but has settled down for the night. I hate worrying!
I'm glad he's doing well! Perhaps being with other birds and getting back to his normal life style will help?
That would break my heart too, having to look at him through the door expecting to be let in! GAH! The sadness!
Chicken Momma's gotta do what a Chicken Momma's gotta do.
I hope all your house repairs go well, that's quite a bit of damage to have happen so quickly! Best of luck to you with all of your endeavors!
Big hugs for Petey too!
oh my gosh what a horrible week your having.. the pipes, the meds, the coons.. I am sending not only little petey energy but you as well...

blessed be
Aww...poor Petey...ousted from the house.
Glad he enjoyed his time outside though. I think sometimes just being a chicken helps tremendously after an illness or trauma. Sorry about your window and pipes...that SUCKS!! Keep the faith girl. And keep us updated!
Wow aren't you a doll! If he starts taking a turn for the worst I can definitely put out a byc call for meds. I hadn't even thought of that!

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