Please talk to me about this Barnevelder (?) Cockerel (?)


Jun 21, 2022
I bought 12 chicks from a local breeder, 11 are supposed to be Silver Double Laced Barnevelders and 1 a Black Copper Marans (free gift). The breeder focuses on best lacing for the Barnies. These 11 came from two separate broods, 5 days apart.

Other breeds at this facility include: BCMs, Blue Birchen Marans, Lavender Marans, 55 Flowery, Cream Legbar, Bielefelder, Silkie, Olandsk Dwarf, Shetland Hen, Blue-laced Red Wyandotte, Black Australorp, Silverudds Blue, Welsummer, F1 and BC1 olive Eggers, American Bresse, and Silver Laced Orpington.

My birds are currently 12 weeks old and most SDL Barnies are developing as expected, including the majority of cockerels who have lots of silver across their backs and wings (images #10 and 11). There is one however who is notably different (named Kamehameha I, or Kam for short) that I would like inputs on, please. I'm pretty sure it's a cockerel b/c none of the pullets have waddles yet, but do already have nice crisp, clear double lacing all over (Image #12).

Images 1-9 are all Kam, I love his colors, the strong lacing, and he is noticeably larger than the rest of the flock (image #13). Adult feathers seem to still be coming in, but the lacing is getting more and more sharp as it does. Some Barnevelder standards are off though. Can these be addressed with careful breeding and partner matching or is this not even a true Barnevelder anymore?

Deviations from standard noticed so far:
- Comb is not well serrated, possibly a pea comb instead of a single?
- Ear Lobes appear black instead of red?
- Back and Cape should be silvery white with very wide black down, but is single laced?
- Wing primaries should be inner edge black, outer edge silver, but are single laced?
- Wing bow and bar should be silvery white with broad lacing, but are tightly single laced?

Maybe a Silver Laced Orpington Roo got in there somewhere? and also a little leaky red gene?


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I agree, I think a BLR Wyandotte hopped a fence or something and bred with the Barnevelders. Some of them look like they could be pure Barnies, but I see more than one rose comb, not just Kam, and that would explain the red leakage as well.
12 is right for a silver Barnevelder, and it is a pullet.

11 is iffy. Could be a poorly bred Barny or a mix.

The rest look like Wyandotte crosses.

All of the pictures up to 9 are of the same bird according to the first post, but there is a second rose combed bird in picture 2 so there's definitely more than one Wyandotte mix.
oh interesting, a Blue-laced Red Wyandotte cross for at least half of them makes sense, thanks for the insights!

There is more than 1 cockrel that looks like Kam, whose picture may have gotten mixed in there by mistake.

It will be fun to watch as they reach full maturity, there are 4 pullets who look just like #12 so that's good it seems.
All of the pictures up to 9 are of the same bird according to the first post, but there is a second rose combed bird in picture 2 so there's definitely more than one Wyandotte mix.
Ah, okay. That one is definitely a Wyandotte mix and a cockerel.

#12 is good, and # 10 and #11 are Barny cockerels with a bit of leakage, which I guess is to be expected.
oh interesting, a Blue-laced Red Wyandotte cross for at least half of them makes sense, thanks for the insights!

There is more than 1 cockrel that looks like Kam, whose picture may have gotten mixed in there by mistake.

It will be fun to watch as they reach full maturity, there are 4 pullets who look just like #12 so that's good it seems.
Yes. That is a good silver Barnevelder, so it's great you have more like that. The Barnevelder cockerels are fine but the red/brown leakage isn't ideal.
I bought 12 chicks from a local breeder, 11 are supposed to be Silver Double Laced Barnevelders and 1 a Black Copper Marans (free gift). The breeder focuses on best lacing for the Barnies. These 11 came from two separate broods, 5 days apart.

Other breeds at this facility include: BCMs, Blue Birchen Marans, Lavender Marans, 55 Flowery, Cream Legbar, Bielefelder, Silkie, Olandsk Dwarf, Shetland Hen, Blue-laced Red Wyandotte, Black Australorp, Silverudds Blue, Welsummer, F1 and BC1 olive Eggers, American Bresse, and Silver Laced Orpington.

My birds are currently 12 weeks old and most SDL Barnies are developing as expected, including the majority of cockerels who have lots of silver across their backs and wings (images #10 and 11). There is one however who is notably different (named Kamehameha I, or Kam for short) that I would like inputs on, please. I'm pretty sure it's a cockerel b/c none of the pullets have waddles yet, but do already have nice crisp, clear double lacing all over (Image #12).

Images 1-9 are all Kam, I love his colors, the strong lacing, and he is noticeably larger than the rest of the flock (image #13). Adult feathers seem to still be coming in, but the lacing is getting more and more sharp as it does. Some Barnevelder standards are off though. Can these be addressed with careful breeding and partner matching or is this not even a true Barnevelder anymore?

Deviations from standard noticed so far:
- Comb is not well serrated, possibly a pea comb instead of a single?
- Ear Lobes appear black instead of red?
- Back and Cape should be silvery white with very wide black down, but is single laced?
- Wing primaries should be inner edge black, outer edge silver, but are single laced?
- Wing bow and bar should be silvery white with broad lacing, but are tightly single laced?

Maybe a Silver Laced Orpington Roo got in there somewhere? and also a little leaky red gene?
How do your barnevelder mixes look now?

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