PLEASE tell me this is NOT a Roo!!!


11 Years
Jun 18, 2013
I am NOT happy with our feed store where I have always bought chicks. I have bought only from "pullet" bins and this will make the third time I have ended up with a rooster. We just had to put our last roo down because he could no longer walk & he was the spawn of Satan!! I don't want anymore roosters. I know the Barred rock (3 weeks old) is a roo and he has to go because I have read nothing but them being aggressive. The second one I suspect is also a roo cuckoo Maran (so they said) he is the one I want your more experienced opinions on because he is actually older than my Barred rock but not as much red.... ughh. I hate getting roosters when you are being told they're hens.
Watch that comb. Within a week, you will know. If it's a cockerel, the color will change to a yellow orange, then by six week, it will be full red.

At this time, it could still be a pullet unless a Barred Rock expert wanders by and corrects me. Pullets have a pale pink comb until point of lay, no yellow or orange in it.
Watch that comb. Within a week, you will know. If it's a cockerel, the color will change to a yellow orange, then by six week, it will be full red.

At this time, it could still be a pullet unless a Barred Rock expert wanders by and corrects me. Pullets have a pale pink comb until point of lay, no yellow or orange in it.

Ok-I really appreciate this info. I didn't realize that pullets could have a pink early on. I was thinking "if you see a comb this early you are doomed to roosterhood!!!!" Especially because of the color developing. At least I have some hope left. Although I will say I've noticed the bottom one (that I feel is a roo, jumping on top of the others & pecking at them occasionally. Though it's the first one to approach me when I come to the coop... probably going to be a crazy rooster
) Thank you very much for your help!!!

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