Please tell me this might be a silkie pullet...


11 Years
May 9, 2008
Central Iowa
Here is a picture of the only chick out of 5 silkies I think is a pullet. The other 4 have more a slicked back look to their "poofs" that are growing in. What do you all think? She is about 7-8 weeks old now.


Looks like a girl to me!

Is that one of my grandbabies?!?(I did send you silkie eggs, didn't I?) What a cutie!!!
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Mrs. AK-Bird-Brain :

Looks like a girl to me!

Is that one of my grandbabies?!?(I did send you silkie eggs, didn't I?) What a cutie!!!

It sure is - all the silkies are doing great! The millies are all definately roos and at least one of them crows. They are naughty little boys too. There is one other silkie that might be a girl. I got a new camera so I'll get some more pics of all of them and send them to you!​
Woo hoo!!! Very pretty baby... ok, that does it... I'm putting some in the incubator tonight.
This is the one that has the vaulted skull. (I think - its hard to tell under all that fluff) Emmy Lou is a good mama and her babies are sooooooooo soft! Now I need a name for this girl.
Here is a picture of all of them - they wouldn't hold still though so it is hard to see them. It was the first time they had been outside ever and they wanted to hop down and explore even though it was cold and windy.


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