Please tell me what happened**Update 6/17**

Dulcy...very interesting!! Your rats don't seem that scary!! The remind me of the rat in that movie Ratatouille!! LOL

Ok, thanks everyone. We are going to call a "pest trapper" guy that can set traps and stuff up. I'll let you know what happens!!
Was the cage door open or closed when you first found them missing?
If an animal got in and took them, wouldn't the cage door be left open? I don't know too many rats that will stop and latch a door behind them?!

Except for human rats...
Have you considered maybe a raccoon got in the cellar? they're pretty nimble with their little hands. After I read this last night, I went down and looked at my own brooder (i'm also using an old critter cage, mine used to house a pet rat, same type of cage.) A raccoon might have been able to reach through the bars, grab a chick, and yank them out- a healthy and live chick couldn't get through the bars on their own, but chicks are pretty fragile and squash-able. Though the fact that there was no evidence left to speak of its pretty remarkable. Is there outside access into the basement where the brooder was? Or in order for a raccoon to get down there, would he have to come in your front door? Maybe chimney access? Although the fact that it was during the daytime suggests a non-nocturnal creature.
Well, it seems as if we're all guessing here but this matter kept me up last night so I'm not about to drop it.

I had pet rats as a child then again as a classroom teacher. They were great pets. After viewing your cage, I really don't think a rat could get in and out of the cage that easily. Also, rats poop everywhere. You would see evidence. How could a rat get in there, catch, kill, and eat those five chicks? Raccoons are really clumsy when they break into things. It looked as if your cage was intact. I'm flummoxed!

We put down our 15 year old lab two years ago and I still haven't gotten over the loss. I'm just really upset for you and your family and hope this mystery is solved so I can sleep tonight!
We had one of our chicks disappear without a trace in our chicken coop. It was only 1 to 2 days old. One of the hens chased momma out of her box; momma had the rest of the chicks under her. The other chickens weren't acting as if there was a predator. We think maybe, one of the hens picked it up and carried it outside where is could have slipped through the chicken wire. We have momma and the other chicks in a kennel now. It was very weird; there was no trace whatsoever. Momma didn't seem to know what had happened to it either; she actually got off her nest briefly, with a hatching chick in it, to look for the missing one! (The hatching chick is alright) That was over a week ago; very, very odd!
Thanks for giving it so much thought.....I appreciate your concern!!!!!

I just feel so bad for the chicks. It's just awful. However, I have decided to believe someone stole them and they are happily living in a great environment being loved.

I am going to put my new batch upstairs in my office. Maybe if I open the windows it won't get too dusty in there!

Yes, putting our dog to sleep was THE single hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life. But, I am glad I was there.... Condolences for the loss of your Lab. :-(
Well, for all of you that were

Finally, got pest removal out today. He searched the whole basement and found a drainage pipe that goes from our basement out 200 feet to deposit water. I didn't even think to look there as it is mostly covered by a concrete piece and didn't think a snake would travel that far into the house and leave.

I mean we have raised over 25 chicks down there in the same spot with the same cage. He assured us that was the entrance hole.

So, we have to put tight wire mesh over the hole so the water can still go through but not the snakes!

He found zero evidence of a mammal such as rat, raccoon, squirrel, etc. He checked everywhere and found no droppings, scratches, chewed holes, footprints, etc. He said there should have been some scratches or droppings somewhere. Some evidence of their entry into the basement.

So, conclusion...snake.

Poor little girls. I feel so bad.
I am so sorry that you lost all 5 of your chicks. That is horrible. I have a somewhat similar story, but we only lost one chick. We have our chicks set up in a brooder in a shed. Well being we live in Louisiana it gets too hot in there so we would open the door during the day so they wouldn't smother. Well we went out of town and my in-laws were taking care of all of the animals for us. Well he heard them freaking out so he went to see. There was in his words "the biggest copperhead he had ever seen" in the brooder! He tried to catch it to kill it but it got away. Now every time I go out there I am so freaked out. We lost one of our baby chicks and are hoping not to loose anymore. I have been putting stuff on top of the brooder so maybe he can't squeeze back in. He has not been back though but my father in-law said he did get a couple good wacks at him. So hopefully he wont. Good luck. You could maybe put some of that snake away down there also.

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