Please tell me what they are???

RedBrush Farm

11 Years
Jun 12, 2011
I have 2 Silkies one black and one white. I would like someone to tell me if they are male or female and approx. how old they are.

Next, I have 2 silver Sebrights - Are they both male? Age?

Next, I know these are bantams, but what kind? Age? Male or Female?

I purchased these at an auction barn. They needed some tender love and care and they get it with us. I would still like to know more about them.


Silkies - honestly cant tell, black looks hen though

Sebrights - both roo

Unknown bantam - 3 girls and 1 boy and honestly they dont look like any Bantam breed I've seen, they kind of look like Sebright cross
I guess they could be a cross as they were all crushed in a small crate with the Sebrights. Is there any way to tell age?
Sebrights are bred for the sexes to look exactly alike. Unless one is crowing it's impossible to tell them apart. Good luck with them, they are not very friendly!

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