please tell me what this duck is!


Robertson's Rare Poultry
9 Years
Apr 24, 2010
NW Alabama
Ok guys. I purchased what I thought was 4 Egyptian goslings about 6 weeks ago. They looked identical from the start and were less than a week old. As soon as they began to feather out I noticed one was different. It is smaller, feathered out sooner, has a differently colored and shaped bill and head. I guess I just need to know exactly what this is and if its pure. The best guess has been a ruddy shelduck but I just thought I would pick your brains as.well.
Looks like some kind of tree/whistling duck. I never had them, but if I remember correctly, that's what they look like. Let me google
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A black bellied whistling duck? But they have orange bills. Or a Fulvous whistling duck? Maybe someone here can be more specific for you. But I'm pretty sure that's a whistling duck. But I could be wrong
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The young bird you have pictured is either a full blooded Ruddy Shelduck or a hybrid between a Ruddy Shelduck and an Egyptian Goose. I have kept both species and a friend of mine had his birds hybridize, they looked very much like full blooded Ruddy Shelducks. Keep us updated with pictures as they bird ages and hopefully I can tell you if it is pure or not.
Yea, looks like a ruddy shelduck, or maybe a hybrid, am looking at pics of my ruddies at that age and the bill of yours looks much more pronounced then the ones on my little snotty boogers
it's a fulvous whistling tree duck i'm wanting 1 of them next year :D they're like £10 per hatching egg here £50 a bird

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