Please tell my mom what I am:)

That and I need to upgrade my coop so I can fit more. I keep on telling myself I will but I keep on running out of time and energy :oops: .
People eat eggs from the store that are weeks old but are disgusted/unsure of fresh green blue eggs that are beautiful.....strange how people think sometimes :lol: .
people make no sense to me. That's why I farm not work with people.
He is almost the perfect boy. Not overly aggressive with the hens yet mean as fire with predators. Sadly he must leave my farm. I'm working towards all brown layers, well if hubby stops ordering surprise boxes. Around here everyone wants brown eggs.
I would spend a little time to educate my consumers about the eggs. For instance... they have the same nutritional value, they are all the same color on the inside (white shell, do a demonstration). And they are way more fun to collect and to look at.
Even among the browns you can get quite a variety, but they are ALL white on the inside! Seems like maybe blue eggs are blue all the way through.

There is a value to knowing which hen laid which egg in that it can tell you things about their health. Also you can tell them apart in a crowd when you spot something not quite right, if you have a variety of breeds.

However, I am just covering the cost of my feed not trying to earn a living. So I might comply with market demand.
As far as I am concerned, a colorful basket is more beautiful and I think that includes white! Also, it wasn't too many years ago when my hubby's coworker gave us eggs of various colors and I never ate them... It was scary, what might be inside or where they came from!
I'm still scared to try duck eggs.
I hear they are way better though. Not really scared, just can't afford to clean up after ducks to.

Chicken math is hard.
I would spend a little time to educate my consumers about the eggs. For instance... they have the same nutritional value, they are all the same color on the inside (white shell, do a demonstration). And they are way more fun to collect and to look at.
Even among the browns you can get quite a variety, but they are ALL white on the inside! Seems like maybe blue eggs are blue all the way through.

There is a value to knowing which hen laid which egg in that it can tell you things about their health. Also you can tell them apart in a crowd when you spot something not quite right, if you have a variety of breeds.

However, I am just covering the cost of my feed not trying to earn a living. So I might comply with market demand.
As far as I am concerned, a colorful basket is more beautiful and I think that includes white! Also, it wasn't too many years ago when my hubby's coworker gave us eggs of various colors and I never ate them... It was scary, what might be inside or where they came from!
I'm still scared to try duck eggs.
I hear they are way better though. Not really scared, just can't afford to clean up after ducks to.

Chicken math is hard.
I was extremely paranoid when it came to duck eggs, I didn't doubt that they tasted good I just didn't want different :).

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