plenty of space


5 Years
Feb 21, 2014
Why do my baby chicks pile on top of each other ? I turned off the light during the day it was in the 80's today and They still pile on each other unless They are eating or drinking.They are 4 weeks old .when I move them they go right back. I'm afraid this will kill them . Moved them to a new house three times larger then the brooder with a run,just checked on them and they are all piled in one corner.Plenty of water and Air. What NOW!!!
Hum, they are acting like they are cold. But your temps sound ok.
Could they just be insecure because the light is out?
Could the lack of light be making them afraid? How about trying
just a small light. Like a 40 watt bulb and see what happens.
Just enough for light but no heat.
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They felt warm not cold . .after I moved them I put a smaller light in the Girl's house .About 2 this Morning I went to check on them. They were huddled together in smaller groups .I think it may be the new home.I went out and opened the door to the run and all but a few came out into the run.
My oldest Girls (different house ) go in about 8:30 at night , then I close Their door. It took about 1 week of putting My older Girls in the house to learn Them to go in at night .
Thanks YOU are NOT rude. I wash Their waters two times a day and fill them with Quik Chik, as for the feed I use Dumor Starter/Grower. They are fine now ! Running everywhere and coming to me when I call them. Thanks for the advice.
Thanks YOU are NOT rude. I wash Their waters two times a day and fill them with Quik Chik, as for the feed I use Dumor Starter/Grower. They are fine now ! Running everywhere and coming to me when I call them. Thanks for the advice.

Really good feed to work with and thumbs up on taking care of the water .....

If you try the Hard Boiled egg trick you might be surprised at the feather growth ...
Chickens are cowards. That’s an instinct that comes from being prey animals. They are social animals and like being together, especially when afraid. And they don’t like change. Be patient and they will probably work it out. At that age and those temperatures they are not cold.

Are they just doing this when you are around? It’s quite possible they see you as some kind of monster that is about to eat them. Mine often pile in a corner when I feed and water. They’ll also do that if an adult chicken is around.
Thanks! I have tried to handle them so they won't be afraid of me.I call to them before I get to close to them. They are happy now. My Grandkids have named most of them.I just say "Girls mum is here". Several people keep saying the oldest one are big enough to eat. M oldest Granddaugther ask Them if they would eat Their Cat or Dog.They reply of course not. She said that is the way We feel about OUR PETS.

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