PLESE HELP!!!! Chickens beak got bit off

Thanks guys <3 she is a Plymouth Rock chicken. I have to share the cutest story with you. Every night, Fuzzy Bum comes into the house. She kept on wanting to perch up on my dads' hockey bag, but he said no because he didn't want her to poop on it. I kept on wondering why she insisted on going up there all the time. I then realized what she wanted. The hockey bag was in front of my bedroom door. And my bedroom door is covered with pictures of my chickens. I held her up to the door and she looked right at them and started talking to them. She especially liked to look at one of her best friends Darling, who died a while ago. She still remembered who Darling was. Fuzzy Bum is so happy when she is by the door. Here are some pictures.
That made me tear up. These creatures don't get enough credit - they are smart and so endearing. Keep loving her and don't give up on the feedings. She's such a sweet chicken and I'm sure she appreciates everything you're doing for her.
I just thought of something, tmlpike. I don't remember if it's been mentioned here yet, but what about getting her some nutri-drench? You can drop it in her mouth so she can swallow it and it provides some vitamins/minerals that might give her a little energy boost. I just ordered some myself and have yet to try it, but I read about it everywhere and it looks like a pretty effective product for a chicken that needs some nutrition. just an idea to try to get something in her - maybe someone else here has used it and can say if that could be something to do for her.
Sorry ...yes I know fuzzy bum is a barred rock...the plumage kinda gives it away...I mentioned the other beakless hen...she's yellow...wondering what breed she is

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